Letter to the Editor
Congratulations to all the school board candidates who won. All of the candidates – Barbara O’Brien, Rosemary Rodriguez, Mike Johnson, and Landri Taylor – outspent their opponents by at least two to one. Where did this money come from? One group is the Arnold Foundation out of Texas. John Arnold is a hedge fund manager who has contributed money to organizations that encourage state and local governments to reduce benefits to workers and invest assets in hedge funds. He stands to gain if Denver Public Schools continues to privatize schools. Another is Patrick Hamill, a founder of the Foundation for Educational Excellence. This group advocates “autonomous” schools and has been instrumental in promoting the closing of public schools and the summary firing of entire school staffs. We now have a clear definition of school reform in Denver: dismantling our public school system. Thanks to Arnold, Hamill, and others, Denver has the finest school board that money can buy.
Don Batt
Retired English Teacher, Cherry Creek Schools
23rd and Eudora
The GPHN accepts letters to the editor on topics that pertain to the Park Hill community. Letters must include full name, address and contact information. Letters may be edited for length.