Executive Director – Lori Midson
Board of Governors
The Greater Park Hill Community board is comprised of representatives from 10 districts, six at-large representatives and appointed committee chairpersons. Representatives are elected every October during the annual meeting.
If you have an issue you would like to discuss about the neighborhood, contact your board representative. Many representatives prefer to be contacted through the GPHC office at 303-388-0918 or info@greaterparkhill.org.
We have vacancies! If you’re interested in being on GPHC’s board of governors or chairing a committee, please send an email to chair@greaterparkhill.org.
Board Officers
Board Chair – Shane Sutherland
Secretary – Bernadette Kelly
Treasurer – Heather Shockey
District Representatives
District 1 - Kevin Doyle
District 2 - Brenda Morrison
District 3 - Heather Shockey
District 4 - Vacant
District 5 - Bernadette Kelly
District 6 - Vacant
District 7 - Jon Bowman
District 8 - Nam Henderson
District 9 - Vacant
District 10 - Colette Carey
At-Large Board Members:
At-Large – Maria Flora
At-Large – Bruce Campbell
At-Large – Tracey MacDermott
At-Large – Louis Plachowski
At-Large – Mona Estrada
At-Large – Shane Sutherland
GPHC Committee Chairs:
Blockworkers Chair – Vacant
Building Services Chair – Vacant
Community Planning Chair – Colette Carey
Community Safety Chair – Vacant
Education Chair – Vacant
Finance Chair – Heather Shockey
Fundraising Chair – Vacant
Health & Human Services Chair – Vacant
Human Resources Chair – Vacant
Property Use Chair – Vacant
Public Information Chair – Vacant
Youth Services Chair – Rick Medrick
Diversity Chair
Parks & Open Space Chair – Maria Flora
Preservation Chair
Transportation/Safety Chair – Bridget Walsh
Church Delegates:
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church – Betsy Boudreau
Park Hill United Methodist Church - Jacqui Shumway
Executive Director Column: October 2024
Fall into Step as We Celebrate Autumn with Events Galore
Every year the Home Tour & Street Fair takes the wind (temporarily) out of my sails. I imagine our tremendous Home Tour & Street Fair volunteers — the spines of this annual event — feel similarly. It’s hard work. That said, there is such a palpable sense of accomplishment, satisfaction and pride on the part of all of us who work in tandem to ensure the Home Tour & Street Fair connects our community, fulfills our sponsors and vendors and raises funds to propel Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. (GPHC) forward. To each and every one of you who lent a hand (or two), contributed your time and talent, donated financial and in-kind sponsorships, eschewed the Bronco game to tour the five magnificent homes and supported our street fair vendors, thank you!
Now that the first signals of Autumn have arrived, I’m breathing a sigh of re…leaf that summer’s scorch is finally morphing into brisk breezes, frolicking leaves and crimson foliage. I’m also looking forward to the weeks and months ahead, which are chock-block with GPHC events and programming.
Our annual board meeting, which we highly encourage you to attend, is at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 3 at City Park Tavern at City Park Golf Course. The festivities begin at 6 p.m. with a reception (beer, wine and food will be provided) followed by a presentation highlighting our accomplishments over the past year, a bestowal of awards honoring our volunteers and community members, plus board elections for Districts 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 and three at-large seats. If you’d like to run for a board position, vote in the board election or simply attend the meeting as an onlooker, you’ll find all the details at greaterparkhill.org/join-us/annual-meeting.
Following the annual board meeting is the third annual Park Fall Community Fall Festival on Sunday, October 13 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the City of Axum Park. The free, family-friendly gathering celebrates the 275 all-volunteer block-workers who bundle and deliver the award-winning Greater Park Hill News. Bring the kids for face-painting, games, bubbles, food and more.
In November, we trot towards our yearly Thanksgiving Giveaway. We anticipate distributing upwards of 10,000 pounds of Turkey Day fixings to 500 food-insecure families, seniors and students. We’ll start requesting donations of both funds, Walmart gift cards and food in the coming weeks as we prepare to feed even more struggling families this year. Please consider supporting this huge endeavor as you plan your holiday giving and food drives. We’ll also have multiple volunteer opportunities to assist with sorting, organizing, assembling, distributing and delivering food boxes throughout the month of November. Watch our website and Facebook page for updates.
GPHC Membership
GPHC is a membership-based organization, and the more members we have, the bolder and more persuasive our collective voice becomes. To renew your GPHC membership — or to become a GPHC member — sign up at https://greaterparkhill.org/join-us/become-a-member/ or drop off a check (and say hello) at our office, located at 2823 Fairfax Street. We look forward to serving you as a valued member of GPHC, listening to your ideas and input and working collaboratively on projects, programs and issues.
Thank you, as always, to our current members, donors and volunteers for your kindness, in-kind and financial contributions and involvement and dedication to GPHC. You are deeply appreciated.
With gratitude,