GPHC Command Central: Just Getting Started
Garden Walk Was A Blast; Straight Ahead Is The July 4 Park Hill Parade, Home Tour & Street Fair Is Slated For Sept. 25
By Lana Cordes
For the GPHN
Another successful Park Hill Garden Walk is in the books!
I’d like to thank our talented and dedicated organizing committee including Patty Mead, Carla Finch, Jean Ercolani, Paula Marinelli, Kate Blanas, Christine Davidson, Sarah Scott, and Micki Amick. Thank you to all of the day-of-event volunteers for showing up and making it all possible. Sincere gratitude to our event sponsors (they are listed in the ad on the next page) for providing us with the necessary financial support. And of course, we can’t forget the artists, and the gardeners who allowed us into a piece of their worlds and spaces to revel at their hard work, dedication, and creativity.
Are you ready for what’s next? The July 4th Park Hill Parade is just around the corner. We’re talking marching bands, super heroes, cool cars, dancing horses . . . and the list goes on. The parade is on Monday, July 4, starting at 1:30 p.m. and runs along 23rd Avenue beginning at Dexter Street and ending at Krameria Street Grab your camping chair, maybe a shade umbrella, definitely a cold beverage, and find a place along the route. Visit for more details or follow at
We are currently holding vendor and sponsor registration for the Park Hill Home Tour & Street Fair on Sunday, Sept. 25. Find information and registration forms for both at Both vending and sponsoring are amazing opportunities for local businesses and organizations to get out in front of the community in a meaningful way. Don’t delay, spaces fill up quickly.
And finally, don’t forget to come visit us at the Free Farm Stand every Monday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 2823 Fairfax St. Help yourself to some free produce, or bring extras to share from your garden. Our goal is to promote sharing among neighbors and food waste reduction. Please join us every Monday through the summer months.
Thank you to the following donors and volunteers who supported our operations over the past month. Please note that this is a partial list, in alphabetical order. Look for additional names of donors in next month’s issue. We thank everyone for their incredible generosity.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Cure D’Ars Catholic Church
Dahlia Campus Farms and Gardens
Food Fight Food Drive
Future Pathways LLC
Kiewit Meridiam
Mayfair Liquors
Messiah Community Church
Oneida Neighbors
Sexy Pizza
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Tables Restaurant
The Urban Cookie LLC
Van Camps’ Quality Floors, CO
Jan Adamczyk
Alex Adatto
Khalid Akbary
Lacy Albaugh
Barbara Allen
Christine and Daniel Allen
Meghan Althoff
Jennifer Anderson
Natalie Asher
Penny Ashley-Lawrence
Katherine Atkins
Kwon Atlas
Jennifer Barrow
Clayton Bartczak
Mark Beal
Barbara Berryman
William Bissell
Hans Bjerkan
Simon Blamires
Henry Bootz and Maria Flora
William Boswell
Chris Boughner
Melissa Bradford
Christine Brennan
Lynn Brewick
Dania Brigham
Laura Buddington
Deborah Bullock
Jennifer Calderone
Inga Calvin
Marty and Arna Caplan
Christine Carr
Marcelle Caturia
Jenny Cavanaugh
Pranav Chawla
Betsy and Dennis Cheroutes
Betsy Cheroutes
Arthur Chmelik
Nancy Ciancio
Laura Clark
Jane Clawson
Michelle Claymore
Carolyn Clemmersmith
Nora Colter
Paula Conley
Pam Connolly
Cami Cosgriff
Jenna Cruff
Peggy Cuciti
Terrell Curtis
Elizabeth Dageforde
Melissa and Greg Davis
Margaret Day
Chia Dell’Olio
Jana Deschler
Mary DeSimone
John Desmond
Michelle DiGiacomo
Charita Dixon-Cauthen
Elizabeth Dolan
Erin Donovan
Diana Doyle
Regina Dunn
Audrey Dussliere
Danielle Dwyer
Jennifer Dyer
Marc Dysart
Steve Edmundson
Younis Elgheryani
Allison Emerson
Steve Farley
Sara Farr
Judy Faught
Margie and Larry Feinberg
Richard Ferrell
Carla Finch
Elizabeth Fischer
Molly Fitzpatrick
Holly Flexer
Dana Flynn
Sonja Foss
Sara Frances
Anne & Joe Frank
Virginia Fuller
Duane and Jean Gall
Georgia and Woody Garnsey
Judith Gever
Bobbi Gillis
Elaine Granata
Christina Gustavson
Laraine Guyette
Laraine H Guyette
Jeanne Haji
Kate Hakala and Dirk Turner
Nicole Hall
Jodi Haller
Simon and Elizabeth Hambidge
Amy Harris
Thomas Hart
John Harwood
James Haug
Deborah Hebblewhite
Stephen Heiling
Kathleen Henderson
Carol Herndon
Mary Hilken
Adrienne Hill
Leonora Hill
Beth Hinkle
Kirstin Hoagland
Susan Holt
Lydia Homan
Sandy Hoops
Georgia Howard
Art and Stephanie Hoy
Dana & Bill Hughes
Frazer Humes
Elizabeth Husa
Christine Hyde
Margaret Ingram
Dan Inyart
Jayne Jacko
Charles and Robyn Jacobs
Jennifer Jacobs
Judith Jacques
John Jameson
Sean Janelle
Tina Janelle
Shannon Jantz
Carmelita Jaramillo
Amanda Jensen
Julie Johnson
Thomas and Candice Johnson
Linda Johnston
Edward Jones
Joy Jones
Kelly Jones
Emma Jurado Hillenburg
Bill Juraschek
Mary Kapner
Laure Keavney
Lynda Keavney
Phyllis Keenan
Kathy Keeton
Karen Keithley
Heather Kelly
Ann Kendall
Kris Kenyon
Chris and Sharon Kermiet
Jason Kim
Kyle Kimmal
Kimberly Kimpton
Amanda King
Ryan King
Sherry King
Dawn Kirkwood
Annie Kline
Susan Knutson
Robb Kolstad
Ellen Krasnow
Marcia Lammers
Rachelle and James Larcus
Belsy Larin
Judith Larson
Armand Lebovits and Mona Estrada
Calvin Lee
Sharon Lenfest
Jane Levine
Leslie & Alan Levine
Becky Liner
Nancy Linsenbigler
Michelle Kim Linton
Jenna Livesay
Marie Jeanne Lombardi
Christina Lopez
Mary Jo Lorenz
Katie Loss
Lynette Luhnow
Jim Lydon
Aline Maddux
Amy Maes
Bobbi Maguire
Penelope Manasco
Stephanie Marchetti
Ivadell Marie
Carrie Maxfield
Ryan McAlister
William McCafferty
Jennifer McCain
Christina McClelland
Celeste McDowell
Erin McDowell
Caitlin McGavran
Mike McKeen
Lisa McKenzie
Chandra McLaughlin
Frank McLaughlin
Scott McLean
Erin McMillan
Diana McNamara
Ally Carrier
Derek Curtis
Greg Davis
Amelia Drumwright
Reid Farley
Ryan Farley
Claudia Fields
Amy Harris
Noni Horwitz
Debra Lovell
Chuck E Nelson
Mia Peterson
Carrol Rhead
Carole Robertson
Deb Rosenbaum
Lindsay Wadman
Greer Whillock
Nikki Wiederaenders
Jeannie Willis