Home Tour & Street Fair Exceeds Expectations
Preliminary calculations indicate that under the leadership of Lana Cordes and Rob Barber, the Sept. 10 Home Tour and Street Fair exceeded its goal by about 20 percent. The Home Tour is the largest fundraiser for Greater Park Hill Community, Inc., a registered neighborhood organization, and the funds help to pay for programs and the food pantry all year long.
The total number of Home Tour tickets sold this year was 989, and street fair attendance was estimated at about 3,000. There were 94 spaces at the street fair filled by 89 vendors. In all, 150 volunteers worked to make the day a success.A few of the volunteers are pictured here from top left, clockwise: Allison Nuanes, Cissy Nuanes and Ainslie Locke, 3 ½; Kathy Ambruso and Karen Merten; John Wyszynski, Mary Ann Welch and June Monson; Blair Taylor; Ryan Haynes. Photos by Cara DeGette