When The Lights Burn Out
Denver Recycles accepts all your old and worn-out holiday light strings from mid-November to mid-January at various drop-off locations. Last year they collected well over 5,000 pounds of lights. Soon the website (Denvergov.org) will post drop-off locations. The location nearest to Park Hill will most likely be the Cherry Creek Recycling drop-off, at 7352 Cherry Creek S. Drive, but make sure to check the website before you head out. Also, as they have done for many years, Denver will chip your Christmas tree into mulch, so leave it out on your trash pick-up day between Jan. 4 and 15.
Mark Kuhl is an environmental advocate who lives in Park Hill. His handy tips and news about recycling household items appear every month in these pages. A directory of his past columns for recycling everything from paint to Styrofoam to shoes is at greaterparkhill.org/sustainability/recycling-directory/.