Urban Sanctuary: Longtime Friends Go Into the Outdoor Room Design Business
By Erin Vanderberg, Editor
Peter Tom and Peggy Day, longtime friends with over 40 years experience in designing outdoor spaces, launched Haven Outdoor Design this February.
The pair met in the late 1980s, when they were both working at what was then the Denver Museum of Natural History. Early on, they discovered a shared love of gardening and outdoor rooms. After extensive coursework, practice and founts of positive feedback from their network, they decided to make a business out of their passion.
“Starting a small business in a troubled economy was definitely a concern,” said Peggy, a Park Hill resident. However, she and Peter believe that the closest thing to magic is a garden and held fast to their goal of bringing some of that magic to their community.
Haven Outdoor Design specializes in porches, entryways, patios, balconies, courtyards and spaces within gardens at residential and commercial locations.
For more information, visit havenoutdoordesign.com or call 720-935-6517.