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  1. matthew fitzpatrick
    October 5, 2016 @ 10:17 am

    I’m becoming more and more disappointed in the newspaper continuing to print such inaccurate artcles. To self identify, I am the young architect identified in the artcle. To set some facts straight:

    1. “There was a young man who introduced himself as a commercial architect”. I did not introduce myself as a commercial architect. I introduced myself as an architect that specifically has no professional interests or business in single family home construction. There is a huge difference between those two statements.

    2. “who expressed that there’s nothing that special in these old homes in Park Hill”. I stated some facts about the neighborhood, and then said that park hill, as a neighborhood, is not as special as the application committee would want your to think. Very different than what is stated in this article.

    3. “He said that he’s researched the subject, and has concluded that few, if any, were designed by great, known architects. That is likely true”. This is a true statement. Some basic fact checking on your own would verify.

    4. “If that were the criteria, I don’t think we’d have any Landmark Historic Districts in Denver”. Untrue statement. In fact, most landmark districts in Denver do not involve a specific architect historically, as this is city/urban planning. Quite the opposite is true, and again, basic understanding of the process and criteria, clearly misunderstood by many supporters, is what makes this application such a misguided effort.

    5. “There’s plenty of architecture that’s well preserved and serving its original purpose, many hundreds of years after it was built. I’m sure that many of those architects are unknown. Nonetheless, their work is appreciated and valued”. Since i was so rudely interrupted at the meeting, i couldn’t finish my train of thought and statements. I would have told you that I love this neighborhood just as much as anyone, but that this application, its process, and intentions are not only misguided but not democratic.

    Perhaps I will be able to speak at the LPC meeting and City council meeting next time without interruption. And perhaps in the future, this newspaper will do some basic fact checking regarding their articles.

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