The Logistics Of Takeout
By Mark Kuhl
For the GPHN
Landfills are filling up fast with the increase in demand for restaurant takeout. We almost exclusively carry our food home in single-use containers.
Many of them are recyclable #5 Polypropylene, occasionally they’re compostable, and too often they’re Styrofoam. All of these options have their drawbacks and ultimately put pressure on environmental resources. That’s why returnable/reusable carryout containers seem like the best option. There are obvious logistical challenges with reusable containers, but restaurants on the West Coast are experimenting with the concept. At least one restaurant in Denver — Somebody People — is using tiffin tins for their carryout orders.
Next time you order from your favorite local establishment share your concerns and mention the concept of reusable options. Maybe our encouragement will nudge more restaurants to consider less wasteful takeout options.
Mark Kuhl is an environmental advocate who lives in Park Hill. His handy tips and news about recycling household items appear every month in these pages. A directory of his past columns for recycling everything from paint to Styrofoam to shoes is at