The Locals At 7
In October, The Locals celebrated seven years of hanging out at Cake Crumbs on Kearney Street. The Locals, who are also called by some the “Council of Elders,” aren’t a rock band – though they probably could be if they wanted. Rather, they are a group of longtime Park Hillians with a strong commitment to, knowledge of, and appreciation for the neighborhood. They gather weekly, sometimes more than once (and some show up more often than others). Over coffee and pastries this collective brain trust dissects matters large and small, and generally solves most, if not all, of the problems of the world.
Back row, left to right: Bernard Grant, Katy Charles., Sandy Barnes, Gordon Buchmann, Helen Berkman, Sharon Little, Bob Hoffman, Carolyn Medrick, Pat Vance, Barbara Larsen, Joe Gensheimer, Joe Little, Kat McIver, JR Moore, Carolyn Georgeson, Henry Chu, Lise Neer, Jayne James, Sandra Dowling, Anne Menard, Mark Dowling, Doug Schuler, Leo Larsen, Charles Carter.
Front row, left to right: Mary DeTar, Sally Ortiz, Inez Stanford, Lydia Buchmann, Bridget Walsh, Louis Plachowski, Dorothy Davidson, Scott Houchin. (Note: A salute to all past and current members who weren’t able to make it the day of the group photo.)