The Aftermath Of the Devastation of June 24
A Call To Readers: Tell Us What Happens To You When It Rains
By Cara DeGette
GPHN Editor
The deluge of June 24 dropped two inches of rain and hail in parts of Park Hill, in just 35 minutes. The flooding in some areas of the neighborhood was horrendous – inches and feet of water filling up basements, leaving cars drenched and floating, sweeping gardens away.
For many property owners, it was the latest destructive storm in what has become a routine occurrence.
Most homeowners’ insurance policies do not cover flooding, meaning people are forced to incur the costs of damage and loss. As a result, it is nearly impossible to determine the overall pricetag on the collective destruction to people’s homes and property.
Many property owners have begun raising questions about what the city should do to improve stormwater drainage infrastructure, and other measures that can be taken to protect our neighborhood.
Readers, we are calling on you to help us document the widespread flooding that has occurred in Park Hill this spring and summer, including the storm of June 24. Please share your personal stories, including what type of damage you incurred – including to your homes, your cars and your gardens, the estimate of the depth of the floodwaters in various parts of the neighborhood.
In months to come, we plan to continue to document the destruction of ongoing flooding and stormwater issues in Park Hill. Send your stories, including photos and videos, to GPHN Editor Cara DeGette at, and to our resident stormwater expert, Brian Hyde, at