Summer Adventures: Make 2020 Memorable
YouTube, Dynamos, Curbside Pick-Up, And More
By Becky Corning
Librarian, Pauline Robinson Branch
As we have looked for ways to continue to reach out to our customers despite library closures and stay-at-home orders this year, YouTube has become one outlet for services.
We have been offering virtual live storytimes every weekday for several months now. These are hosted by regular storytime providers, including myself. We offer a Spanish storytime at 9 a.m., toddler storytime at 10 a.m., and all ages storytime at 11 a.m. If you haven’t already, please join us for songs, stories, learning and fun.
I also participated in another virtual project we called School Age Readalouds. This project was designed for a slightly older crowd, grades K-5. I read several chapters a day of Eerie Elementary: The Science Fair is Freaky! by Jack Chabert over the course of four days. Each book in the School Age Readalouds is accompanied by a sheet of extension activities. For example, for The Science Fair is Freaky!, my extension activities sheet included instructions for making a baking soda volcano and lemon juice invisible ink, like the characters did in the book. We have completed the School Age Readalouds and are moving on to a new project called Book Explorers. Watch for those coming soon.
Another fun YouTube series we have put together during quarantine is called DPL Dynamos. These are short how-to videos. You can watch City Librarian Michelle Jeske give her husband a haircut, or Ross-University Hills Branch Senior Librarian Melanie Coletti give a demonstration on how to play the accordion. Other videos cover topics such as how to do a back handspring, how to groom a miniature horse, and how to make vegan cornbread.
To view the offerings on YouTube, go to, or just search for “Denver Public Library” in the YouTube search box.
Placing holds and picking up curbside
We started delivering books curbside on July 7, and allowing new holds on physical items on July 13. We are excited to get back to offering these services and seeing customers in person again. Once you receive a notification that your hold is ready, you can make a reservation for curbside pickup. Please check our website,, for more information about how to place holds and reserve a curbside pickup time slot.
Summer of Adventure
Don’t forget to sign up for Summer of Adventure at Our registration prize this year is a foldscope. A foldscope is a paper microscope that can be used to view very tiny things like bacteria, blood cells, and single-celled organisms. Other prizes will soon be available. As of time of publication, we are working to figure out how to allow kids to choose their prize books safely. To register, go to
The Maker Challenge has been part of Summer of Adventure for several years now. You can also upload something you’ve made to our gallery, and you’ll be entered to win gift cards to local businesses. The Maker Challenge is open to all ages. Get started at
A final note: As things continue to change quickly, our website will be a good source of updated information. Visit us at