Ready To Vote On The Issues?
The League of Women Voters of Denver will present the background and then discuss the pros and cons for each Colorado ballot issue from information solicited from both proponents and opponents of each. The Leagues’ much-respected pro/con brochures will be available as well.
There are two events planned for October in Park Hill.
• Monday, Oct. 6 – Pros/Cons on all state and local ballot issues
• Monday, Oct. 17 – Ballot issue on minimum wage presentation
Both are at Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church, 1980 Dahlia St. and are free and open to all. The events begin with light refreshments at 5:30 p.m.; the program itself will begin at 6 p.m.
Call In For The Pros & Cons
The organization Active Minds is holding a free virtual phone class to present an objective review of the Colorado ballot issues, including arguments on each side of the proposals. The call-in program is Thursday, Oct. 13 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Call 303-502-5189 to participate. Callers will be muted as they join. Press ** to unmute to ask a question. Limited to first 100 callers.
On Saturday, Oct. 15 Active Minds will sponsor a free presentation in Park Hill on the Colorado ballot issues. The forum is from 11 a.m. to noon, at the Park Hill Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. The forum will review the ballot issues and present arguments on each side of the proposals. No RSVP is required; just show up.
Track Your Ballot
Ballots are mailed to every active voter in Colorado – it is critical that residents have their address up-to-date in order to receive their ballot.
Update and verify your address at DenverVotes2016. While you are there, sign up for Ballot Trace. You can track your ballot like a package, from printing to acceptance for counting.
Ballots will be mailed beginning Oct. 17. Remember: The sooner you return your completed ballot, the sooner you will stop being called by political canvassers asking you who you’re voting for.
October 5, 2016 @ 6:31 pm
It seems you have a typo on the date of this event. Is it Oct 6 or Monday the 10th? Thanks.