Long Live the Streets! Viva Streets returns to 23rd Avenue in August
By Erin Vanderberg
Last August, Viva Streets transformed Park Hill, already renown for its block parties, into a massive, all-neighborhood block party by closing 23rd Avenue, from Colorado Boulevard to Syracuse Street, to automobile traffic. The first annual event, coordinated by LiveWell Colorado and BikeDenver, saw an estimated 7,500 people turn out on bikes, foot, scooters, wagons, skateboards, roller blades to participate in the day’s organized activities and spontaneous fun.
Viva Streets returns this August 12th, with even more sponsors and activities, an added two hours and an expectation of an even bigger crowd.
The event is based on the ‘ciclovía’ (Spanish for “bike parkway”) concept, which came out of Bogotá, Colombia over thirty years ago. In that city today, over a million people participate a weekly event that closes 70 miles of road to automobiles. Other cities throughout the country have replicated their model: New York, San Francisco, Portland, Ore. and, now, Denver.
“Park Hill is just a great neighborhood for this event because people are proud of their neighborhood and want to make their streets healthy by using them for recreation and play and supporting local businesses,” said LiveWell Colorado’s Tracy Boyle. “This event shows people that streets are not just for cars, and that they play a really important part in a healthy city.”
For Tracy and Bike Denver’s Piep van Heuven, a Park Hill resident, the most pleasant surprise of last year’s event is how the community made it their own: a ping pong table was rolled into the middle of 23rd, lemonade stands and garage sales cropped up in bordering yards, people got in costume, families came out en masse, sidewalk chalk was everywhere, musicians played violins and drum circles were formed in the shade.
This year’s sponsored activities include interactive health demonstrations at Cigna’s mobile learning lab, free photos at Delta Dental’s healthy smiles booth, guacamole-making at the Chipotle activity tent, and a hydration station at the Denver Water truck, to name a few. Also new this year is a custom Viva Streets 2012 bike jersey, available at the Primal Wear booth. There will also be free yoga and zumba classes, face painting, a bike rodeo, jump rope and basketball, and so much more. Food trucks, bike mechanics and volunteers will also line the route, offering support.
“This is a great showcase and celebration of Denver being a healthy city,” said Tracy.
For more information, visit vivastreets.org or call LiveWell Colorado at 720-353-4120.