Join the GPHC: A letter from GPHC Board Chair, LeAnn Anderson
As the current Chair of the Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. (GPHC), one of the initiatives for my term is to increase participation in the organization. What better way to share with you, the neighbors, who GPHC is and what GPHC does than an article in the newspaper the organization publishes. So, let me start by introducing GPHC!
GPHC is a volunteer-based, Registered Neighborhood Organization that: promotes the character and vibrancy of Park Hill; provides resources, information and advocacy; preserves the quality of life and history of the neighborhood; through community participation.
GPHC was incorporated in 1961 and is one of the oldest and largest Registered Neighborhood Organization in the City and County of Denver. It was a time of racial unrest and fear. The churches of Park Hill came together as a united voice for the neighbors to encourage acceptance and understanding of all people regardless of ethnic background or economic status. As a way to communicate with neighbors, the churches and neighborhood activists published the Park Hill Action News, which is now the GPHNewspaper. Over the years, GPHC led the effort to desegregate the Denver Public Schools and successfully changed the flight paths of Stapleton Airport due to noise violations.
More recently, GPHC in conjunction with the Northeast Park Hill Coalition, was instrumental in opposing the reissuance of the Holly Liquor Store license, which set the stage for the redevelopment of the Holly by the Urban Land Conservancy. In 2011, GPHC worked diligently to review and effect the new zoning code implemented by the City and County of Denver, safeguarding the Park Hill neighborhood.
GPHC hosts several fun neighborhood events, including the home tour, garden walk and the 4th of July Parade. GPHC provides emergency food assistance through its food pantry and serves as a resource for neighbors navigating City processes.
Volunteers are the cornerstone of the organization. Volunteers serve as board members, chair committees and host events. One of the best examples of the role that volunteers play is the newspaper, which is delivered by over 350 volunteers each and every month to over 10,000 Park Hill households.
One of the easiest and most viable ways you can contribute to the organization is to become a member of GPHC. Your membership allows GPHC to run the emergency food pantry, publish the GPHNews, support issues that affect the quality of life in Park Hill and showcase our historic neighborhood. In addition, as an RNO the organization is granted authority by the City to weigh-in on pending City decisions before they are decided. Your membership allows GPHC to have a collective voice with elected officials and government agencies. Please use the membership form on page 17 to become a member today.
Another great way to get involved is to attend the monthly board meetings which are open to the public. They are a great way to learn about what is going in Park Hill and become engaged. Board meetings are held the first Thursday of the month, except for July and December, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The location varies and is posted in the GPHNews every month. The meetings are open to everyone and are a great way to get to know other Park Hillians.
GPHC has successfully served the neighborhood for over five decades through neighbors, just like you, who see a problem and step up to fix it, see a need and step forward to meet it, or see an opportunity for community engagement and seize it. There are many ways to get involved. Please become a member today by completing a membership form, volunteer to donate your time, talent or ideas to support GPHC.
With your help GPHC can continue to accomplish great things!
LeAnn Anderson, GPHC Board Chair, can be reached at