It’s Kuhl To Recycle: Make The World A Bedder Place
Sweet Dreams For Tired Old Mattresses
By Mark Kuhl, For the GPHN
Mattresses are recyclable, so please don’t let yours end up in the landfill.
If your unwanted mattress is in good shape, donate it to Salvation Army or Goodwill. Otherwise a couple local organizations will recycle it for you.
Spring Back Colorado ( separates and recycles the individual components of mattresses and box springs, including steel, foam, ticking, cotton and wood. They also utilize a redemptive employment model, offering jobs to people who have recovered from drug addiction. You can drop off your mattress for $30 at 4975 Pontiac St. in Commerce City. Spring Back will also pick up your worn out old mattress for an additional $50.
A Bedder World ( offers the same recycling service for around the same price, but they don’t allow drop-offs.
Mark Kuhl is an environmental advocate who lives in Park Hill with his wife Nina and their two teenage daughters. Kuhl’s handy tips and news about recycling household items appear every month in these pages. A directory of his past columns for recycling everything from paint to Styrofoam to shoes is at