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  1. matthew
    May 6, 2015 @ 11:51 am

    This alarmist approach and NIMBYism is an interesting tactic to gain momentum for a historic district in park hill. I’m eager to see the proposed boundaries of a historic district in park hill, and how the proposed region overlaps with potential sites that would be feasible to be rezoned for multifamily given the high property values. You’ll see that there is most likely zero potential for multifamily to encroach on any proposed region within park hill that could pass for historic designation, and that this alarmist attitude is likely just a personal agenda being pushed by a small group of neighborhood residents for a historic district. Keep in mind a historic district doesn’t PREVENT rezoning or scraping of properties that do not contribute to the historic nature of the district, and that any new project could still sail through a design review board as long as it meets the materials and design standards.

  2. Aaron Deterding
    May 6, 2015 @ 12:50 pm

    I’d be very interested to hear what alternate proposals are out there for those that oppose increasing density throughout our neighborhoods. Of course everyone agrees that if Denver continues to grow (which all studies expect that it will, at record pace), we are going to need a place to put all of the people that show up. It seems that everyone is a champion for density as long as it’s not next door to us. The glaring problem with that is that if we push all of the density to other areas, the single family housing that we cherish in areas like Park Hill will quickly soar to unfathomable rates. This practice encourages gentrification and sends the message to lower income residents that they don’t belong here and that we prefer them to be stacked in a high-rise in the suburbs.
    I may be relatively new to Denver, but I have quickly come to love this city, and I don’t believe that is who we are. So before we lash out at efforts to increase density, let’s consider those that are not fortunate enough to be able to afford houses in the million dollar price range, but still want the quality of life that comes with living in areas close to parks and local shops and have the community atmosphere of places like Park Hill. If we can’t find ways to be more inclusive and to think creatively about how we manage our rapid growth, we will very soon find ourselves as another San Francisco or NYC where housing costs have simply become unaffordable, even for the residents who have lived there for generations.
    To be clear, I do not advocate for developers building 10-story apartment complexes in the middle of one of our historic neighborhoods, but we can’t continue to view multi-family housing as a threat. The housing challenge is but one piece of the puzzle we will have to wrestle with as we find a way to adapt to our rapid growth, and if we can’t be forward-looking, responsible neighbors, we will be doing a huge disservice to the very people that need our help, and to future generations of people who want to call Denver home.

  3. Brian Rodeno
    May 6, 2015 @ 10:53 pm

    Thanks to the commenters above. Well thought out and educated posts.

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