Home Tour & Street Fair Returns
Neighborhood Annual Meeting Coming Up Oct. 7
By Lana Cordes
Executive Director, GPHC, Inc.
It’s September and at Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. that’s synonymous with the Park Hill Home Tour & Street Fair.
We are so thrilled to be back in person, on the Forest Street Parkway, and at homes around the neighborhood. The Street Fair will look very much like the events of the past, with a day filled with local vendors, entertainment, wine and beer, food trucks, and more. The Home Tour will still be modified this year but will include on-property tours of six quintessential Park Hill homes, complete with docents sharing interesting tidbits. You can get tickets and updates at parkhillhometour.org. Be sure to check out page 6-7 for more on this year’s featured homes.
Please also mark your calendar for the Annual Meeting of our Registered Neighborhood Organization, which will take place virtually on Thursday, Oct. 7 at 6 pm. We will be highlighting our annual report, presenting volunteer awards, and conducting board elections. For more information on attending or running for a board seat, visit greaterparkhill.org/join-us/annual-meeting.
GPHC’s operations are supported heavily by volunteers and almost entirely by donors. In 2021, I’m sharing a quote each month to express our gratitude for our donors and volunteers:
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” – Unknown
Avicenna Products
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Dahlia Campus Farms and Gardens
Messiah Community Church
Park Hill United Methodist Church
Park Hill Urban Gardens
Queen City Architectural Salvage Inc
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Steadman Community Garden
Tables Restaurant
The Spicy Radish
Van Camps’ Quality Floors, CO
Youth at Montview Presbyterian Church
Christine Allen
Micki Amick
Penny Ashley-Lawrence
Liza Barfield
Estelle and Charles Bennett
Thane and Erin Benson
Simon Blamires
Adrienne Bonnet
Mary Murphy and John Brink
Alex Brown
Nathaniel Buchheit
Mike Bufton
Ken Burdette
Michael and Mary Bush
Traci Byrne
Jennifer Calderone
Patrick Caldwell and Mary Kay Myers
Inga Calvin
Martha Carlson
Peg Clover Stipek
Emma Cummings
Charlie Curlee
Cara DeGette
Rob Dwyer
Dawn Fay
Rachael Fazio
Claudia and Harold Fields
Lindsay Folker
Anne & Joe Frank
Woody Garnsey
Bobbi Gillis
Geneva and Luther Goldsby
Josh and Carrie Goodman
Phil H Goodstein
James and Mary Groves
Laura Grushcow
Simon and Elizabeth Hambidge
Amy Harris
Pam and Duke Hartman
Pamela Healy
Adrian Hill
Jody Hodges
Nicholas Holden
Marsha Holmes
Romi Howell
Dana & Bill Hughes
Huntington-Toribara Family
Angeline Ishida
Will and Marcia Johnson
Bill Juraschek
Beth Ketel
Judy Klupar
Jeffrey Knetsch
Frances Koehn
Christopher and Susan Lane
Barbara Larsen and Leo Riegel
Robbie and Roger Marks
Gary and Carolyn Martyn
Jeff Mayfield
Randy & Babette McQueen
Tobin Mierau
Claire Miker
William Moon
Bob Moses
Harriet Mullaney
Chris and Erin Nielsen
Mark Nitczynski
Adrienne Pederson
Kate Percival
Traci Pichette
Keith Porter and Eve Cohen
G Reusink
Robin Ridley
Sandrea Robnett
Mary Salsich
Susie Seawell
Elaine Selsberg
Jo Sonse
Skip and Carol Spensley
Kait Speth
Ann M Sunderwirth
Marilyn Swan
Adele Sykes
Frank Tapy
Maggie Tieslau
Cherstin Toney
Wendi Torres
Linda Ulmer-Aeling
Robert W. Vance
Cy Weddes
Pam Willet
Oliver and Helen Wolcott
Sally Wolf
Dean and Marsha Woodward
Guy and Susan Wroble
Debbie Zucker and Brian Field
Rachel Ackerman
Bryson Browning
Sue Bruner
Mike Bufton
Barbara Cavender
Greg Davis
Kevin Doyle
Violet Eleson
Claudia Fields
Jamie Fields
Maria Flora
Mark Frye
Georgia Garnsey
Noni Horwitz
Erika Hutyra
Megan Jamison
Debra Lovell
Jasper Mueller
Meg Parent
Dezmarie Roberts
Sandy Robnett
Deb Rosenbaum
Madeleine Senger
Heather Shulman
Nick Simmons
Ben Simmons
Aleta Ulibarri
Nikki Wiederaenders