Home Tour, Annual Meeting On Tap
Thank You For Your Donations!

With school back in session and the end of summer near, we are again settling into new routines. We hope that as part of your fall routine, you will remember your friendly neighborhood organization.
On Sunday, Sept. 13 we are holding a modified Park Hill Home Tour and Street Fair and we hope you will participate (see page 5 for further details). This is our largest annual event, and our organization greatly depends on the funds raised through ticket sales and sponsorships. So please, check it out!
We are continuing to serve more than double our usual number of clients at our emergency food pantry. Visit greaterparkhill.org/donate/ to see a complete list of what we accept, as well as drop-off hours and locations. Currently, we are in greatest need of these items:
• Canned peas, carrots, mixed vegetables
• Cereal
• Chili/stews/hearty soups
• Canned ravioli/pasta meals
• Canned fruit
• Peanut butter
• Canned tomatoes and tomato sauce
• Pasta
• Canned chicken and tuna
Our annual meeting will take place virtually this year on Thursday, Oct. 1, where we highlight our annual report of activities to members, present volunteer awards, and conduct board elections. For more information on attending or running for a board seat, visit https://greaterparkhill.org/join-us/annual-meeting/.
Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. is a volunteer and donor-based organization. A big thank you to our donors and volunteers this past month. We are so grateful!
Anytime Fitness Mayfair-Park Hill
Avicenna Products
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Dahlia Campus Farms and Gardens
Gather & Spruce
Messiah Community Church
Montclair Community Garden
Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church
Paddington Station Preschool
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
The Spicy Radish
The Urban Farm
Karen Adkins and Brian Moore
Joy Ahlborg
Christine Allen
Vicki and Greg Anderson
Penny Ashley-Lawrence
Mike and Susan Barden
Holly Bennett and John Lebsack
Estelle and Charles Bennett
Carolyn Benoit
Karen Bergman
Joanne Blair
Sarah Booth
Gwen Brewer
John M. Brink
Alex Brown
Sharon Ann Burke
Michael Bush
Mike Bustin
Inga Calvin
Renee Cousins King
Tim Cozard and Mary Ellen McEldowney
Nina Cruchon
Charlie Curlee
Lauren and Tony Currans
Christine Davidson
Amy DelPo
Brenna Derritt
De De Derry
Harry Doby
Erin Donovan
David Driscoll
Rob Dwyer
Eila Erlingsdoter
Michelle Ferguson
Chaunce Fields
Claudia and Harold Fields
Anne Frank
Marian Frank
Duane and Jean Gall
David Gehlert and Heather Colliander
Kathleen Gilbert-MacMillan and Stuart MacMillan
Patricia Gilman
Katie Goldman
Josh and Carrie Goodman
Lisa Haddox
Elsie G Haley
Mark Halston
Simon and Elizabeth Hambidge
Kathryn Harhai
Pam and Duke Hartman
Pam Healy
Amy and Doug Heaton
Dana Helch
Martine Hiyland
Jody Hodges
Adriane Horovitz
Richard Hughes
Ryan and Christine Hunter
James Jacobs
Paul Jasinowski
Julie Ann Jensen
Skeet Johnson
Jane W Klever
Frances Koehn
Christopher and Susan Lane
Debra Lentz
Corey Levinson
Tracey MacDermott and Heather Shockey
Deborah MacNair
& Sharon Wilkins
Robbie and Roger Marks
Carolyn Martin
Patty McCuaig
Diana McHale
Lisa McKenzie
Ann McLaughlin
Patricia Mead
Dani Meyers
Patti Miller
Harriet Mullaney
Buffy Naake
Cheryl Olson
Francesca Pinto
Rose Potthoff
Tom Pshak
Ellen Reath and Craig Maginness
Robin Ridley
Jeffrey and Karen Roberts
Sandrea Robnett
Joan Root
Ashley Schinske
Susie Seawell
Elaine Selsberg
Brian Sweeney
Nicole Tesson and Michael Levinson
Karen Thurlow
Karen Ulrich
Carolyn Valdez
Robert W. Vance
Mark and Catherine Welch
Kevin Wiegand
Pam Willet
Lewis and Pamela Winston
Polly A Wirtz
Guy and Susan Wroble
Terry and Constance Zaremba
Debbie Zucker and Brian Field
Mike Bufton
Maddie Carrier
Greg Davis
Jeanette Fedele
Claudia Fields
Jakob Fields
Jamey Fields
Sasha Fields
Tas Frashure
Lola Hunter
Bernadette Kelly
Debra Lovell
Mia Peterson
Dezmarie Roberts
Deb Rosenbaum
Mary Salsich
Heather Shulman
Shane Sutherland
Nikki Wiederaenders