GPHC Annual Meeting Oct. 5
Catch Up With Friends; Get Updates On The ‘Hood
By Cara DeGette
Editor, GPHC
It’s October, and that means it’s time for the annual meeting of Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. Every year the volunteer-based Registered Neighborhood Organization sponsors an annual meeting, to provide members and neighbors with a general update on work done over the past year, and plans for the year ahead.
Founded in 1961, the GPHC’s mission is to promote the character and vibrancy of Park Hill; provide resources, information and advocacy; and help preserve quality of life and the history of the neighborhood through community participation.
The annual meeting is Thursday, Oct. 5, at 6:30 p.m. at the Park Hill Golf Club, 4141 E. 35th Ave. It is open to the public, and everyone is welcome.
GPHC members will also vote for their representatives in even-numbered districts year. (Only active members may vote, but you can join or renew your membership at the meeting.)
For more information about GPHC, including information about membership and how to join, and current officers and board members, check out page 16. The district map is also on page 16, or check it out online at
For more information, contact Sierra Fleenor at 303-388-0918.