From the Editor
You’ll probably notice a common theme running through the newspaper this month – that is, the necessity of giving back to the community. Even when it means challenging the status quo. Sometimes especially when it means challenging the status quo.
To the point, don’t complain if you don’t bother to show up.
Among other features, this month we learn about Mr. George Bandy, who has spent nearly half his life teaching students at Smiley Middle School, and who will have to adjust to a new routine after the school is “phased out” at the end of this school year. Thank you, Mr. Bandy, for your positive influence on the countless Park Hill students who have been lucky enough to have had you in class.
Whether it’s teaching kids how to think, or going to battle for your neighborhood park, or speaking truth to power in any one of a million ways, everyone should engage. No one gets a pass.