Free Farms And Garden Walks
Time To Share Your Summer Harvest
By Lana Cordes
Executive Director, GPHC, Inc.
We are so excited for the return of the Park Hill Garden Walk. Sunday, June 13 is the big day, featuring eight beautiful gardens that were missed out on last year due to the pandemic.
Each garden will additionally showcase local artists and all proceeds support your favorite registered neighborhood organization — Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. The entire event takes place outside and we will be metering the entrance to each garden to ensure safe distancing. Tickets are on sale now online and in retail outlets. Check out the story and photos beginning on page 1, and the ad on page 7, for more details.
Also resuming this month on Mondays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. is our Free Farm Stand. We will be distributing free produce to anyone (yes, anyone) who can use it. Thanks to Denver Food Rescue, we will receive weekly produce deliveries from the City Park Farmers Market.
If you are a gardener with abundance, please consider dropping off your extra harvest to us and we’ll make sure it goes out to those who can use it. Our goal is to promote sharing among neighbors and food waste reduction. It’s all happening at 2823 Fairfax St. from June 7 through October.
Speaking of abundance, our food pantry has plenty of dried pasta and black beans. What we do need is the following (check out for hours to drop off, and the days and times that the food pantry is open):
• Toothbrushes
• Toothpaste
• Mouthwash
• Shampoo
• Deodorant
• Bar soap
• Body wash
• Diapers size 5 and 6
• Dish soap
• Laundry detergent
• Ensure
GPHC’s operations are supported heavily by volunteers and almost entirely by donors. In 2021, I’m sharing a quote each month to express our gratitude for our donors and volunteers:
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Cure D’Ars Catholic Church
Dahlia Campus Farms and Gardens
Denver Water
Inter-Neigborhood Cooperation INC
Messiah Community Church
Park Hill Commons
Russ Wehner Realty Co.
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
The Spicy Radish
Tanya Acker
Lacy Albaugh
Christine Allen
Janey and Harmon Alpert
Katharine and Daniel Ambruso
Penny Ashley-Lawrence
Tables Restaurant
Carolyn Benoit
Thane and Erin Benson
Jeff Bludau
Gene Bolling
Dennis T. Boucher
Bernadine and Keith Brown
Alex Brown
Jasmine Brubaker
Lydia Buchmann
Sharon Ann Burke
Kathleen Butler and Henry Burgwyn
Jennifer Calderone
Inga Calvin
Danielle Chaffin
Marni Choice-Hermosillo
Gabriel Cole
Paula Conley
Lana and James Cordes
Renee Cousins King
John and Elaine Covert
Courtney Cowgill
Emma Cummings
Charlie Curlee
Terry Curtis
Lara Dicus
Erin Donovan
Colleen Doyle
Amelia Drumwright
Tara, Liam and Cormac Dunn
Steve Farley
Jack Farrar
Judy Faught
Karen Inger Fedde
Gidon and Sarah Felson
Carla Finch
Sierra Fleenor and Jason Barth
Anne & Joe Frank
Duane and Jean Gall
Georgia and Woody Garnsey
Bobbi Gillis
Geneva and Luther Goldsby
Simon and Elizabeth Hambidge
Amy Harris
Pamela Healy
Adrian Hill
Ashley Hofwolt
Kathryn Holm
Dana & Bill Hughes
Richard Hughes
Jacqueline June
Bill Juraschek
Kristin Kenyon
Debra Lentz
Alan and Leslie Levine
Mary Jo Lorenz
Cinda Magliolo
Jeff Mayfield
John Messner
Katherine Miller
Bridget Morris
Harriet Mullaney
Buffy and Vernon Naake
Chris and Erin Nielsen
Tom and Carol Odwyer
Laura Olson
Adrienne Pederson
Jennifer Prosser
Ellen Reath and Craig Maginness
Judy Regan
Joanne Roberts
Robert and Joan Root
Deborah and Ralph Round
Mary Salsich
Bryan Saunders and Kate Swan
Marshall Schecter
Pat Scheurich
Terri Schlabs
Kirk Shropshire
Richard & Lynn Shults
Carolyn Siria
Kelly Smith
Martin and Wendy Smith
Kait Speth
Bradford Stahl
Noah Stengel
Suzanne Tate
Simone Taylor
Dan Thatcher
Dianne V Thiel
Donna Tolin
Jonathan Ullrich
Laura Waligorski
Jomo Walker
Sue Weinstein and Marekah Stewart
Christine Wester
Nicole Wiederaenders
Kevin Wiegand
Michelle Wikum
Pam Willet
Mary Pat Wilson and Bob Wilson
Pam Windsor
Leah Wingeart
Oliver and Helen Wolcott
Dean and Marsha Woodward
Meghan Wren
Sue Bruner
Mike Bufton
Barbara Cavender
Greg Davis
Claudia Fields
Jamie Fields
Maria Flora
Tas Frashure
Megan Jamison
Erika Hutyra
Debra Lovell
Mia Peterson
Dezmarie Roberts
Deb Rosenbaum
Mary Salsich
Heather Shulman
Aleta Ulibarri
Nikki Wiederaenders