Denver Water Declares Stage 1 Drought
At its April 25 Board Meeting, the Denver Water Board of Commissioners declared a Stage 1 drought in recognition of current watershed conditions. A Stage 1 drought involves voluntary measures to reduce water use, for example: watering only two days a week, and using a day of rain to skip watering; only watering dry areas; watering in the early morning or evening to avoid evaporation; adjusting sprinkler systems throughout the summer; and watering two minutes less. Denver Water’s mandatory summer watering rules, which are in effect every summer, began on May 1 and include: no lawn watering between 10a-6p; watering only three days a week; no wasting of water through pooling or letting it spray on concrete; repairing leaking sprinkler systems within 10 days; and no watering in the rain or high winds. For more information, visit