Deductive Reasoning With Mr. Larry Holmes
By Regina Renee Ward
Pauline Robinson Branch Library is fortunate to have a dedicated volunteer come in five days a week, for four hours, to assist with math, shelving and other light duties.
I got a chance to sit down with Mr. Larry Holmes and hear more of his story. I wanted to share it with everyone, as we approach his 20-year anniversary here at our location.
Q: I have been here at the Pauline Robinson branch library for nine months now and I don’t know your last name. What is your last name?
A: Holmes, like Sherlock Holmes.
Q: Are you like Sherlock Holmes?
A: No, but I enjoy reading the books. He’s always using deductive reasoning and solving the case.
Q: You have been here since the beginning. What is your library story?
A: I came here, back in 1995, to try to help the kids in the neighborhood with their math. I’ve seen a lot of kids grow up and go to college … that makes me feel good. I was retired from the state, sitting at home driving Mama crazy. Being here gives me something to do. It makes me feel good if they get out of school.
Q: What about the children? Is there one who stands out in your memory?
A: I had one who thought he was so smart. He challenged me to chess, but then he had an attitude when he lost.
Q: I know you tutor and help with math, but I know that as much as you like math you also like to read. Do you have a favorite book?
A: The dictionary. I help some people with the GED, and the dictionary is a big help. I like action books mostly. I can’t stand a love story. I don’t read shoot ‘em ups anymore. What I try to do is run across a writer I like and read. Clive Cussler is my main man. I’ve done read every one of his books. I’ve been reading them for about 20 years. When I come home I like to sit down and relax for 30 minutes unless Mama has a “honey do” list for me.
Mr. Larry is full of funny anecdotes and down home wisdom. Stop by Pauline Robinson and chat with him yourself. Perhaps he will convince you to become a library volunteer and someone will be interviewing you for the newspaper in 20 years. Branch programs are listed below. See you at the library.
Pauline Robinson Branch Library programs
After School is Cool (ASIC) | Monday through Friday, 4 p.m.
In February, ASIC will continue with Monday Madness and Friday Fun – both include various crafts, Legos and games. The Denver Zoo will lead the programs on Tuesdays. We will continue with our Wednesday craft program. Mandy Medrano will be visiting on Thursdays to teach youth how to cook foods like Mexican crepes, blue corn pancakes, and other delicious snacks.
Movie discussion and clips of Freedom Riders | Thursday, Feb. 13, 5:30 p.m.
In celebration of Black History Month, the library will present Freedom Riders, an important documentary about the time period during civil rights era when people came together to stop segregation. Special Guest Rev. James Peters, Jr. will lead a powerful and insightful discussion along with showing clips of the film.
Family Storytime| Saturday, Feb. 15, 11 a.m.
All ages are welcome for stories, music and fun.
Pauline Robinson Book Club| Saturday, Feb. 22, 12 p.m.
Calling Me Home: A Novel by Julie Kibler
Park Hill Branch Library Programs
All Ages Storytime | Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.
All ages are welcome for this storytime. We may do a craft, play musical instruments, or have some fun with the parachute! No registration required.
Book Babies: Early Walkers | Thursdays at 11:15 a.m.
Stories, action songs, and rhymes developed to meet the needs of babies on the move and their caregivers. Playtime and socialization immediately follow the program. No registration required.
Tales for Twos | Fridays at 10:30 a.m.
Join us for a storytime just for two-year-olds and their caregivers. We will share books, sing songs, and provide movement activities. No registration required.
Book Babies: Pre-Walkers | Fridays at 11:15 a.m.
Stories, Rhymes, and lap songs developed to meet the needs of infants and their caregivers. Playtime and socialization immediately follow the program. No registration required.
Pajama Storytime | Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Join us for the Park Hill Branch Library’s PJ storytime! Stories, songs, and fun for all ages. Come in your pajamas! Stuffed animals and blankies welcome! No registration required.
Teen Advisory Board (TAB) | Tuesday, Feb. 11, 6 p.m. and Tuesday, Feb. 25, 6 p.m.
Students grades 6-12 are invited to join the Park Hill TAB. Help plan library events and projects at the Park Hill Library, talk about your favorite books, and make your opinion count! Join us for twice monthly meetings.
Genre Chat Book Club | Thursday, Feb. 20, 3:30 p.m.
A book club for grades 2-3. We will explore a variety of book genres, and participate in discussions, crafts, and activities related to the story. This month we will read Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner. Registration is suggested but not required. Call 720-865-0250 or visit the library to sign up.
Teen Book Club | Thursday, February 20, 4:30 p.m.
A reading group for teens in grades 6-12 that meets to talk about books, eat snacks, play games, and have some laughs. Bring your friends! This month we’ll be reading Dodger by Terry Pratchett. Registration is suggested but not required.
eBook 101 Class | Tuesday, Feb. 4, 6 p.m.
Download popular eBooks FREE from the Denver Public Library! Learn how to find, check out, download, and transfer eBooks and audio eBooks to any device. If you have a device and/or laptop, please bring them to class. No registration required.
Rock and Read | Saturday, Feb. 15,
2:30 p. m.
An active program geared towards children ages 3-7 and their grown-ups! We will incorporate books and literacy with music, dance, and movement activities. No registration required.