Bundles Of Thanks
The Greater Park Hill News utilizes a unique delivery system that includes nearly 400 volunteers who assist with the distribution of our publication. It is truly a community effort. We are grateful for the help of all our volunteers and take pride knowing we live in such a tight-knit community that rallies around the community paper.
Every month, volunteers gather at the Greater Park Hill Community office on Fairfax Street for a few hours to assemble stacks of newspapers and bundle them for distribution. The bundles are then delivered to the doorsteps of the blockworkers, who then deliver papers to their neighbors’ doorsteps.
This is how the Greater Park Hill News is distributed. It is a group effort and we are so grateful for your support! You too can join the bundling party every month. If you’re interested, contact newspaper manager Melissa Davis at newspaper@greaterparkhill.org or call 720-287-0442.
Thank you to the following volunteers who served as bundling volunteers in 2018:
Barbara Cavender
Camille Davis
Celine Davis
Cara DeGette
Jack Farrar
Tas Frashure
Noni Horwitz
Megan Jamison
Jasper Mueller
Mia Peterson
Mike Quigley
Peggy Roberts
Mary Salsich
Suzanne Standley
Carrie Thrasher
Adam Uribes
We are thankful and grateful to these blockworker volunteers for delivering the Greater Park Hill News to the doorsteps of their neighbors in 2018. Without their volunteer service, the neighborhood distribution of our publication would not be possible.
The Greater Park Hill News is unique in that it relies on volunteers in the community to deliver our paper on their block or an adopted block in Park Hill. If you receive the paper on your doorstep, it is because of one of these fine volunteers.
Thank you, blockworkers, for sharing the Greater Park Hill News with your community! (For more information on how to become a blockworker volunteer, please contact Melissa Davis at newspaper@greaterparkhill.org)
CJ Adams
Kathy Aguirre
Carol Ahnen
Mark Almquist
Micki Amick
Greg Anderson
Vicki Anderson
Robin Angst
Jamie Archambault
Aubrea Argueta
Amelia Arku
Georgianna Armstrong-Bey
Barbara Arnold
Bill Ausler
Jill Banounou
Judy Barker
Amy Barlock
Dan Barnett
Maria Barreto
Norma Barron
Oliver Bast
Howard Belon
Carolyn Bennoit
Bonita Bird
Lindsay Black
Walter Blake
Andrea Bott
Karyn Brandt
Diedre Bricker
James Camp
Chaka Cannady
Jessie Cannady
Arna Caplan
Delores Carter
Steve Carter
Barbara Cavender
Matt Cecere
Gary Chandler
Cherie Clark
Sondra Coker
Minnie Collins
Matthew Collver
Kay Conger
Janine Conklin
Elaine Connell
James Cordes
Catherine Cray
Kevin Cray
Matt Cummings
Wiley Daniel
Veronica D’Annibale
Cara DeGette
Haleigh Delmoro
Sally Dischinger
Celsa Dominguez
Sara Donnelly
Kelly Donohoue
Tom Donohoue
Larry Drake
Linda Drake
Millie Drumwright
Jenny Dyer
Mark Dysart
Marcy Eastman
Amelia Eckles
Peg Ekstrand
Cindy Ellis
Sam Ellis
Wendy Emrich
Jean Ercolani
Vicky Ernest
Kola Fadeyi
Erin Fahres
Diana Farrah
Jack Farrar
Jessa Farrar
Jeanette Fedele
Sarah Felsen
Harriett Felton
Kathy Fessler
Niko Fitzgerald
Maria Flora
Tommy Flowers
EJ Footer
Josh Frank
Carla Frenzel
Regina Friend
Michael Fults
Dave Gahlert
Lori Gardner
Mary Gerwin
Melake Getabetcha
Mario Giardello
Carly Gibson
Liam Gibson
Dan Goe
Mary Gorham
Ted Griffith
Ernestine Hall
Jacqueline Hall
Lisa Halstead
Sandy Hansen
John Harhai
David Harris
Shanta Harrison
Jennifer Heath
Nam Henderson
Michael Heringslack
Lola Hershberger
Margerie Hicks
Dave Hill
Dolores Hill
Laura Hill
Shari Hill
Ronnie Hinkson
Susan Hodapp
Jody Hodges
Jim Hogan
Gisela Hollon
Chuck Holum
Sandy Hoops
Beth Hopkins
Steve Hopkins
Haskeline Houston
Denny Hovik
Adam Huff
Laura Huff
Robin Hunt
Andy Hwang
Brian Hyde
Julia Jackson
Betty Jamieson
Sean Janelle
Kristin Jensen
Tom Jensen
Christa Jiminez
Ashley Johnson
Jim Johnson
Jimmy Johnson
Will Johnson
Rosella Jones
Howard Joralemon
Michele Joyce
Jose Jurado
Teresa Jurado
Vera Kalba
Lynn Kalinauskas
Lee Kastberg
Jackie Keller
Kizzy Kelley
Alice Kelly
Ryan Kilpatrick
James King
Scott Kinnamon
Anna Kirchbaum
Frances Koehn
Elin Kondrad
Tom Korson
Laura Kramer
Nina Kuhl
Lisa Lajimodiere
Bill Lakers
Barbara Larsen
Elisabeth Lawrence
Nel Lenhart
Paulina Leon
Tony Livaudais
Roberta Locke
Sherri Lockhart
Johnnie Lofton
Lois Love
David Lucas
Lisa Lucas
Lauren MacMillan
Deborah MacNair
Cathy Manchester
Dave Manchester
Beverly Marasco
Julie Marchiol
Argia Martelon
Reuben Martinez
Gary Martyn
Roger Mattison
Billy McCafferty
Jen McCafferty
Margaret McCaskill
Claurice McCoy
Leonard McCoy
Carol McDermott
Stacy McDonald
Diana McHale
Frank McLaughlin
Craig McQueen
Bill McQuinn
Megan McQuinn
Chris Merman
Stuart Miller
Juniper Miller-Cole
Angie Mills
Barbara Moe
Anna Moles
Pam Moore
Paul Moore
Kim Mordick
Tom Mordick
Rick Morel
Sharlie Morel
Rick Morrell
Norm Mueller
Manuelita Mullins
Mark Murphy
Sarah Murphy
Christina Naff
Bob Nelson
Steve Nelson
Linda Nestor
Lisa Neuberg
Rebecca Olgeirson
Keith Olivera
Kyle Olivera
Nora Olson
Elizabeth O’Rear
Lesa Paige
Patti Paul
Jessica Pearson
Rita Perez
Ed Pesyna
Dania Pettus
Danny Pier
Rick Pontalion
Alison Rabinoff
Mauricio Ramirez
Paola Ramirez
Marcia Rath
Judy Regan
Will Rengel
Karl Reuter
Barbara Reyman
Carrie Richardson
Jimmy Riley
Debi Roark
Keith Roark
Irene Robinson
Jeff Romeo
Joan Root
Deb Rosenbaum
Maple Ross
Mary Salsich
Andrew Sanchez
Joyce Schlose
Doug Schuler
Judy Schulman
Karin Schumacher
Donna Schwartzendruber
Marie Scott
Michael Scott
Susie Seawell
Joe Sempeck
Ben Seymour
David Shaw
Jason Shiroff
K Shiroff
Lynn Shults
Rich Shults
Ryan Shultz
Eric Sikkema
Kathy Simpson
Michael Sims
Robin Sims
Jenell Slay
Carolyn Smith
Eloise Smith
Elvin Smith
Eugene Smith
Jim Smith
Jody Smith
Katherine Smith Kuhn
Madison Spangler
Spector/Rosensweig Family
Boston Stanton
Liz Stauter
Sharon Steadman
Melissa Stearns
Ruth Steiner
Sandy Stoll
Troy Stribling
Kate Sultan
Jim Sund
Alyssa Swanson
Sophia Swanson
Mark Swinerton
Debby Sycamore
Frank Tapy
Blair Taylor
Debra Taylor
RT Taylor
Chris Thomes
Nanette Thornton
Melissa Timberlake
Ross Timberlake
Marilyn Toepfer
Jessica Toll
Jon Tomasello
Troy Tomsyck
Wallace Toulette
Yvonne Toulette
Valissa Tsoucaris
Carl Turner
Dirk Turner
Roger Turner
Victor Turner
Leslie Twarogowski
Jeff Vaden
Gloria Valdez
Michael Waggoner
Jamie Wagner
Clint Walker
Jewell Wegs
Tamara Weil
Robert Weinberg
Mary Ann Welch
Joe Westra
Drake Wheeless
Melani Whitcraft
Jennifer Whitlock
Catherine Whitworth
Miki Wilde
Abena Williams
Chris Williams
Jeannie Willis
Adrian Wilson
Pam Winsor
Polly Wirtz
Sue Wofford
Jalik Woods
Marsha Woodward
Tom Wordinger
Ronald Wright
Susan Wroble
Ann Yates
Chris Yaunt
Laurie Young
Megan Zacher
Zander Zacher
Karla Zelden