April GPHC Meeting Agenda, Notices and Announcements
The Thursday, April 1 meeting of the Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. begins at 6:30 p.m.
Go to this link to attend: greaterparkhill.org/join-us/community-meetings/
6:30 p.m. Welcome – Tracey MacDermott, Board Chair
6:35 p.m. Community Update – Blair Taylor, Board Member
6:45 p.m. Police Update – Heidi Lewis, Community Resource Officer, DPD
6:50 p.m. Denver Streets Partnership – Emily Kleinfelter, Program Associate
7 p.m. Open floor – community comments and announcements
7: 15 p.m. Board Approval of Meeting Minutes – March
7: 20 p.m. Open floor – Board issues
The following issues and announcements are also of interest in Park Hill:
Park Hill Golf Course Visioning Process
The City and County of Denver continues to hold virtual open houses for what it calls the Park Hill Golf Course “visioning” process. Check the GPHC website for a link to meetings held so far, upcoming meetings and additional information and resources: greaterparkhill.org/resources/phgc/
Safe Routes to School Project Meeting
GPHC will hold a virtual public meeting on Thursday, April 8 at 6:30 p.m. for a presentation about multimodal safety improvements planned along 23rd Avenue, 25th Avenue, and 26th Avenue, and Kearney Street. This is part of a coordinated effort with Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), City and County of Denver Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI), Elevate Denver GOBOND, and McAuliffe International Safe Routes to School. All are welcome, but property owners directly affected by the construction are especially encouraged to attend.
Click here for more info:
Expanding Housing Affordability
The Expanding Housing Affordability Project has expanded its focus to help address housing needs in Denver. It will now involve a citywide zoning incentive for affordable housing, an update to the city’s linkage fee, and preparation for potential changes to state law on inclusionary housing.
Go to this link to sign up and for more info: tinyurl.com/ExpandingHousingAffordability
Upcoming Programs and Events
6th Annual Garden in a Box Giveaway
Each spring GPHC distributes Garden in a Box kits to novice and low-income gardeners. The kits include seedlings, seeds, instructions, and other tools to help gardeners grow vegetables in a 4×4 plot. The 6th annual giveaway is Saturday, May 15 from 9 a.m. to 11. Pre-registration is required and begins April 1.
Go to this link for more info: greaterparkhill.org/food-programs/garden-in-a-box/
9th Annual Park Hill Yard Sale
The Park Hill Yard Sale is back! Join us for this neighborhood effort to maximize the fun and interest in shopping and selling among your neighbors. The 2021 Park Hill Yard Sale will take place Saturday, May 22 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Be sure to register your yard sale beginning April 1.
Go to this link for more info: greaterparkhill.org/events/yard-sale/
Notices from the City and County of Denver
Proposed Denver Revised Municipal Code Text Amendment
Applicant: City Council Member Stacie Gilmore
Case Name and No. Council Bill 2021-0213: amending Chapter 59 (Zoning) of the Denver Revised Municipal code to administer certain provisions of Former Chapter 59. Amending DRMC Sec. 59-2 to make the Denver Zoning Code’s updated definitions and regulations for households effective in applicable zone districts from the old city code, referred to as Former Ch. 59.
This proposed text amendment makes the Denver Zoning Code’s recently updated Definitions of Household and Non-profit Housekeeping Unit effective for the purposes of regulating household living uses, where applicable, in zone districts from Former Ch. 59.
City Council Public Hearing: Monday, April 5 at 5:30 p.m.
Go to this link for more info:
Proposed Denver Zoning Code Text Amendment
Applicant: Denver Community Planning and Development, Development Services
Subject: This bundle of text amendments includes more than 160 proposed code changes that clarify existing zoning rules or make adjustments for consistency with adopted policy. The proposed changes include making off-street parking requirements more flexible for affordable housing, and updates to where detached accessory structures can stand on a lot, rules of measurement and more.
Planning Board Public Hearing: Wednesday, April 21 at 3 p.m.
Go to this link for more info:
Notice of Zone Map Amendment (Rezoning) Application
Applicant: Bruce O’Donnell
Property Address: 3625 Krameria St.
Case No. 2020I-00228
Proposed Action: Rezone from E-SU-Dx to E-SU-D1x
Notice of Decision of Board of Adjustment
Applicant: Stapleton 3401, LLC.
Property Address: 3401 Quebec St.
Case No. 8-2021
Subject: Appeal of a denial for detached accessory structures to an existing 10 story office building with setback violations.
Action of the Board: Variance granted