Alphabet Park Hill: Letters G and H
The Greater Park Hill News is hosting our own geocaching game, with the help of Kitty Migaki, local photographer and author of Alphabet Denver – a GPS Alphabet Hunt Book.
March’s Clues:
N 39˚44.996′
W -104˚55.061′
There is a letter named G
A fine fellow obviously
G stands guard
Around the yard
Soon to be found is he!
N 39˚45.864′
W -104˚55.763′
A community garden
Neighborhood pride place
Waiting for springs warm kiss
No one found Letters E and F last month, which would have led intrepid geocachers to the following street scenes.
Hint: is a great website for converting coordinates into another format. The map on the website can also give you a good idea of what you are looking for before you get there.
Anyone can play the Park Hill Alphabet Hunt Game! If you don’t have a handheld GPS, take this month’s coordinates to the website On the bottom right corner, you’ll see the option to “Show Point from Latitude and Longitude”. The letter location will then be pin pointed on the map at the top of the itouchmap web page! You can zoom in by pressing the + symbol on the left margin of the map. Go find the letter and send your photo to the paper! Happy Hunting!
Photos must be submitted electronically by March 20 to