Whereas and Wherefore…
Be It Resolved for 2016
Compiled by Cara DeGette
GPHN Editor
We asked several Park Hill leaders and characters for their resolutions for 2016. If they didn’t have a resolution, we asked them to identify what they plan to do in 2016 that will either be something they’ve never done, or to make the world a better place.
Here are a few of their responses:
Work toward world peace. I try to go with big picture issues.
— GPHC board member Veronica D’Annibale
I pledge not to get shot!! No more break ins, no root canal, no deaths of dogs or friends……
— GPHC Board Secretary Bernadette Kelly
I’d like to focus on taking better care of myself. As a business owner and entrepreneur, it’s very easy to put yourself in last place, priority wise, and it can really start to show in your ability to bring your best self to all that you do. So, more yoga, more massages, more hikes. A simple reset, but something that I think all folks can relate to.
— Share Denver Founder Becky Hensley
My resolution for 2016 is to spread the word in hopes that it will empower more people to speak up and that their messages and opinions will reach the seemingly deaf ears of those that we elected to run Denver government. Bigger is not always better, and the outcome is always much better when citizens are involved in any process from the beginning.
— City Park Friends and Neighbors President Louis Plachowski
For all of my life, I have avoided making New Year resolutions. That said, my goal is to make people more aware of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and to see that it is not enacted.
— GPHC board member and
newspaper columnist Dave Felice
My goal for 2016 is to work a little less and play a little more. There are so many parts of Colorado that I have yet to see so once a month. I want to take a one or two day drive to parts yet unexplored. My other desire is to turn my volunteer time into a cause that directly impacts and brightens the life of our senior citizens.
— GPHC Street Fair Organizer Kate Sultan
My two resolutions for 2016 are to learn a new skill or hobby and to stay better connected with old friends.
— Local Realtor Lana Cordes
I’ll again gift to Heifer, International. Providing a bio-stove, chicks, ducks, bees or a portion of a cow, goat, pig, alpaca, llama or sheep is my contribution to helping others have a better future.
— Longtime Park Hill activist and leader Ann Long
I will continue to support and promote the goals of Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. I would especially resolve to support and promote the efforts of The Colfax Partnership to continue to improve upon the quality and image of East Colfax Avenue, and, the efforts of the newly formed Historic Designation group to establish the Park Hill Community as an Historic District. Both of these groups will, in my opinion, further the quality of life in Park Hill.
— GPHC board member Lyle Hansen
My New Year’s resolution is to finish the last revision of my novel and to start addressing the food security issue in Northeast Park Hill alongside other members of GPHC, Inc.
— GPHC board member Sierra Fleenor
My resolution for 2016, and beyond, is to expand the Park Hill Community Bookstore’s mission to include helping young people in Park Hill publish books. I’m not quite sure how this will work exactly – it would probably be done in cooperation with local schools. In any case, I think it would be cool for the bookstore to be some kind of catalyst in the process.
— Jack Farrar, Park Hill Bookstore
To lower my carbon footprint!
— GPHC, Inc. Board Chair Tracey MacDermott