Take Me To Your Leader
Meet The Board Members Of Greater Park Hill Community, Inc.
Greater Park Hill Community, Inc., is a volunteer-based registered neighborhood organization that promotes the character and vibrancy of Park Hill, provides resources, information and advocacy, and preserves quality of life and the history of the neighborhood.
The GPHC, Inc. board is comprised of volunteer representatives from the 10 districts within the neighborhood, as well as at-large representatives. They are elected during the October annual meeting of GPHC, Inc. The board meets on the first Thursday of each month at the GPHC office at 2823 Fairfax St., except for December and July. Everyone is welcome to attend these community meetings.
Unless otherwise indicated, the board members can be contacted via the GPHC, Inc. office at 2823 Fairfax St. or at 303-388-0918. If you are interested in an appointment to a vacant chair, or want to volunteer your time and expertise in another way, contact contact board Chair Tracey MacDermott at the GPHC office.
Additional information about the Registered Neighborhood Organization and its history can be read at greaterparkhill.org. Check out page 20 for additional information on how to sign up for membership and how to get involved.
Board Officers
Board Chair:
Tracey MacDermott
Occupation: Clinical Trials Manager for the department of surgery at the CU School of Medicine.
What is your favorite thing about Park Hill? The many individuals who are not afraid to speak up. Park Hill has been presented with many challenges, and every time someone from this neighborhood has been a voice and a set of working hands to work through the issue.
Treasurer and District 3 Representative: Heather Shockey
Occupation: Human Resources Professional
What do you love about Park Hill? The people, the architecture, the history, and the proximity to downtown and the mountains.
What do you plan to focus on in the year ahead with GPHC? Becoming more involved in being a neighborhood leader with the Sustainable Neighborhood Network.
Best contact: Through the GPHC office.
Board Secretary and Property Use Chair: Bernadette Kelly
Occupation: Construction Project Manager for JeffCo Public Schools
What do you love about Park Hill? Big mature trees, our parkways, the sense of community living in a small town in a big city.
What addition or change would you like to see in Park Hill? More parks and open space; natural solutions to decreasing stormwater runoff quantity and increasing its quality, i.e. trees, plants, permeable surfaces, mulch, rain barrels.
What do you plan to focus on in the year ahead with GPHC? Community input on the proposed East Area Plan; Zoning text amendment concerning Group Living in all residential zone districts.
Best contact: Via GPHC
1. LaMone Noles
Occupation: Medical Support Administration, Denver VA Medical Center; Women & Fair Practices Coordinator, AFGE Local 2241, Denver VAMC
What do you love about Park Hill? Park Hill is an established neighborhood with a strong history of community activism.
What addition or change would you like to see in Park Hill? Explore opportunities for revitalization of businesses and new housing on Smith Road and re-route traffic away from Albion Street between Smith Road and 40th Avenue.
What do you plan to focus on in the year ahead with GPHC? Engage the residents of Northeast Park Hill to be the leading voice in any plans concerning the Park Hill Golf Course and set up resident groups to study the Near Northeast Neighborhood Plan. Looking forward to a great and challenging new year!
Best contact: 720-273-6920 or lamone4denver8@gmail.com
2. Ryan T. Hunter
Occupation: Chief Operating Officer for GCH
What do you love about Park Hill? I love the history, the diversity, the small-town in a big-city feel, and the trees!
What addition or change would you like to see in Park Hill? Better-managed property development to ensure long-term socio-economic diversity of our residents.
What do you plan to focus on in the year ahead? I will focus on supporting GPHC’s efforts to feed Park Hill’s families that are challenged by hunger.
Best contact: Through the GPHC office.
3. Heather Shockey (see Treasurer)
4. Vacant
5. Blair Taylor
Occupation: Graphic Designer and Brand Strategist, MFA and MBA
What do you love about Park Hill? When my husband and I bought our home 10 years ago we were attracted by the tree-lined parkways, architecture and embedded history. Being active in the community has brought with it many friendships, a wealth of conversations on current neighborhood events, and the desire to retain our diverse and unique character.
What addition or change would you like to see in Park Hill? With the increase in traffic, pedestrian and biker safety needs attention, especially surrounding schools along thoroughfares like Montview and 23rd. The displacement and isolation of residents that have lived here for 30-plus years needs to be addressed. We need to balance housing developments, affordability, and open space. I also see an opportunity for a city-run program serving repair/replacement of sidewalks, which many other cities do and could help with the maintenance and overall safety.
What do you plan to focus on in the year ahead? Safe street crossings, retaining diversity, preserving character and open space in Park Hill.
Best contact: 646-584-1033 or blairntaylor@gmail.com
6. Vacant
7. Jon Bowman
Occupation: Works with Five Points News and BrotherJeff.com to keep the free flow of information alive in Denver.
What do you love about Park Hill? Good neighbors, location, alleys, pocket shopping areas, and closeness to downtown, Cherry Creek, and to parks and recreation areas.
Best contact: Phone: 720-448-5551; email Ibjb14@yahoo.com
8. Nam Henderson
Occupation: Healthcare Information Technology–Analyst at Children’s Hospital Colorado.
What do you love about Park Hill? The size of the neighborhood, the diversity of residents (both in age, length of residence, race and more) and diversity of architectural forms/styles.
What addition or change would you like to see in Park Hill? I hope the community can shape discussions of the future of Park Hill Golf Course, new development and open space/parkland, in a way that results in our desired outcomes.
What do you plan to focus on in the year ahead with GPHC? Getting to know my fellow board members, neighbors and volunteering where I can with all the amazing GPHC programs.
Best contact: namhenderson@hotmail.com
9. Stephanie Ceccato
Occupation: Attorney specializing in real estate litigation
What do you love about Park Hill? Park Hill is a true “neighbor”hood filled with lots of diverse people. As I’m out walking, I always get a wave or a friendly hello from those sitting outside or working in their yard. On my block, we all check in on each other, and share pet sitting and goodies from the gardens.
What addition or change would you like to see in Park Hill? I would like to see cars slow down. There are people that speed in between two stop signs within one block of each other. The sidewalks in Park Hill are often narrow with no grass separation from the street. We should be encouraging safer driving so that children, pedestrians and bicyclists all feel comfortable.
What do you plan to focus on in the year ahead? I want to continue meeting my neighbors and learning what issues matter to them. I will continue volunteering in the neighborhood and getting out the word about the good work that GPHC does, including the food access initiatives (food pantry, weekend food program and free farm stand) and the sustainability efforts.
Best contact: Through the GPHC office.
10. Colette Carey
Occupation: Vice President, Marketing Operations – AXS TV
What do you love about Park Hill? The strong sense of community and diversity. I love the fact that Park Hill is steeped in such storied history.
What addition or change would you like to see in Park Hill? I would like to see the community take on a more activist role in regard to some of the (sometimes unwelcome) changes creeping in on us – unnecessary or overblown development, increased traffic problems, etc.
What do you plan to focus on in the year ahead? Keeping an eye on new development, ensuring that it makes sense for the community and helping keep Park Hill safe.
Best contact: Through the GPHC office.
At Large
Christine Caruso
Biographical information: Christine Caruso is a recent graduate of MSU Denver, pursuing her path to becoming a registered dietitian. She also works as the walking movement leader coordinator for the Denver based co-op, Walk2Connect. She enjoys developing cooking demonstrations and classes in the Park Hill community. When she’s not walking or cooking, you’ll find Christine playing with her dog, Kimbo, reading multiple books simultaneously, and playing board games with her husband.
Best contact: Via the GPHC office.
Jeanette Fedele
(no photo available)
Occupation: Union-side labor law attorney
What do you love about Park Hill? Our two wonderful branch libraries.
What addition or change would you like to see in Park Hill? More composting, less watering.
What do you plan to focus on in the year ahead with GPHC? Pedestrian/cyclist safety in our neighborhood; supporting the GPHC food pantry and farm stand; listening to neighbors about how we can be a better One Park Hill.
Best contact: GPHCatlarge@gmail.com
Justin Petaccio
Occupation: Mortgage Loan Officer at AmeriFirst Financial
What do you love about Park Hill? The people! A distant second is the wonderful tree lined streets, along with the great architecture. I also love how it is a great blend of a quiet oasis while having access to what the city has to offer.
Best contact: jpetaccio@spirefinancial.com
Louis Plachowski
Occupation: Owner/Managing Broker of the real estate company, DenverWelcomeHome.com LLC.
What do you love about Park Hill? I love Park Hill’s beautiful streets and charming homes. I enjoy my friendly neighbors who are from all different backgrounds and I like to shop at the lovely, quaint shops that are not part of corporate chains. I especially enjoy the close proximity to City Park.
Best contact: 720-425-3768 or louis@denverwelcomehome.com
Shane Sutherland
(no photo available)
Occupation: Retired
What do you love about Park Hill? The people and the diverse community, the houses, the trees, the sense of neighborhood – pretty much all of Park Hill.
What addition or change would you like to see in Park Hill? I would like to see Park Hill do a better job at preserving its history and its small houses. Also, it would be great if the neighborhood could lead the city in encouraging the provision of more affordable housing. Finally, I would love to help GPHC in its efforts to become more sustainable.
What do you plan to focus on in the year ahead? I believe the two most important issues in Park Hill will be the Park Hill Golf Course and the East Area Plan. I plan on focusing on these two issues. I will do my best to represent all of Park Hill.
Best contact: Tsutherland1962@gmail.com
Lisa Zoeller: (Also Community Planning Development Chair)
Occupation: Former At-large city council aide, currently a public outreach consultant
What do you love about Park Hill? Park Hill is a great place to raise a family and is full of active, interesting people.
What addition or change would you like to see in Park Hill? I would like our community to have constructive conversations about affordability, walkability, and environmental sustainability. People seem to support these values, but change can be scary and difficult. I would like our community to have reasoned, fact-based conversations about how to support measured change in Park Hill.
What do you plan to focus on in the year ahead? Our neighborhood is a “park desert.” I would like to help identify potential green space throughout Park Hill and work with the Parks & Recreation Department to acquire and develop public green space. I would like to help us all become more factually educated about how zoning, land use and public infrastructure impact our housing, environment and general quality of life. We may have differing opinions but if we can operate out of a foundation of facts and remain respectful, we can make reasoned decisions. I would also like to increase the level of community participation in the decisions that we make as a board.
Best contact: Lisamzoeller@gmail.com
Board Committee Chairs
Education Chair: Lynn Kalinauskas
Occupation: Works for the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia and teach Chinese civilization at UC Denver. As the Education Chair, Kalinauskas keeps abreast of Denver Public Schools’ policies and how they impact schools in our neighborhood.
What do you love about Park Hill? It’s never boring.
Best contact: 303-394-4627 or lkalinauskas@hotmail.com
Public Information Chair: Melissa Davis
Occupation: Newspaper manager, Greater Park Hill News
What do you love about Park Hill? I love the mature trees, the diversity of people and homes, the proximity to City Park and the sense of community.
Best contact: newspaper@greaterparkhill.org
Safety Chair: Geneva Goldsby
Occupation: Retired from the University of Colorado
What do you love about Park Hill? Diversity
Best contact: Through the GPHC office.
Church Delegate: James Groves, Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Blockworkers Chair: Vacant
Fundraising Chair: Vacant
Health and Human Services Chair: Vacant
Human Resources Chair: Vacant
Youth Services Chair: Vacant
Executive Director – Lana Cordes
Lana Cordes was hired as executive director of Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. in 2019. She oversees the day-to-day operations at GPHC and engages in the long-term vision for the organization. Prior to becoming executive director, Cordes was a board member of GPHC, Inc., and served as fundraising chair and chair of the Home Tour & Street Fair. Her professional background is in event and operations management, as well as residential real estate. Contact Cordes at director@greaterparkhill.org or 303-388-0918.
Editor’s note: The Park Hill Action Committee was the precursor to Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. Since the PHAC formed more than 60 years ago, scores of civic-minded neighbors have joined forces to strengthen and improve the neighborhood – from human relations to schools to zoning, to capitol improvements and cultural activities. The description of the committee below, and illustrations above are reprinted from the Sept-Oct., 1961 issue of the Park Hill Actionews. 21st century Park Hillionaires who are interested in serving can contact current board Chair Tracey MacDermott at 303-388-0918.
Just What Does the Action Committee Do?
Six Decades Of Rolling Up Sleeves
It is an ancient and valuable tradition in volunteer citizens’ groups that when a problem comes up and you don’t know what to do about it, you form a committee.
This is how the Park Hill Action Committee, Inc., was formed.
To carry on tradition, we have formed, from time to time, subcommittees.
Generally, as anyone who has been a member of the average civic group knows, committees “study” a problem. That is, they don’t work. But PHAC’s subcommittees are different. They get things done.
If there is something you’d like done in Park Hill, YOU, neighbor, should get on one of these subcommittees and see that it gets done. On this page is a light-heartedly illustrated lineup of each subcommittee and what it does.
Take your pick.
In Memoriam
Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. mourns the loss of longtime District 6 representative James King, who passed away on Sept. 17. Deepest condolences go out to his family and friends, with much appreciation for his years of service and volunteerism in the community.
As this newspaper was going to print, we learned of another loss. At-large board member Matt Bradford died suddenly on Nov. 18. Bradford’s contributions to the board have been tremendous for the past year. His energy, strong voice and passion for protecting Park Hill’s history and character, and his love of the neighborhood will be deeply missed.