Sweet Success in Park Hill
Check Out Our New & Renewing Members
By Rebecca Born
GPHC Executive Director
Our most sincere appreciation to all of you whowho responded so generously to our recent membership drive.
As GPHC Membership Chair Larry Ricketts noted in the June issue of the newspaper, your membership touches the lives of the neighborhood in many ways. GPHC, Inc., improves our collective quality of life through business redevelopment, conformity to zoning codes, environmental health, quality schools, community safety, traffic flow, and beautification. We provide a food pantry that provides ongoing nutrition to hundreds of our residents. We publish the award-winning Greater Park Hill Newspaper every month.
In addition to connecting neighbors with critical resources, every year we sponsor the Garden Walk, the 4th of July Parade, and the annual Home Tour & Street Fair and other events that bring together the neighborhood.
With your membership you will also be able to vote at the annual meeting, which is next month on Oct. 8. Save the date and stay tuned for details in the October issue, online at greaterparkhill.org and via social media. You might also consider more active participation by seeking a position on the GPHC Board of Directors.
It’s people like you that make this neighborhood so special. If you are interested in becoming a member of Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. and/or want additional information about the vast possibilities of what that means, contact me at 303-388-0918 or email director@greaterparkhill.org. And, you can always join online at www.greaterparkhill.org.
New and Renewing Members
Individual and Family Memberships ($25)
Roy Andersen
Irene Andress
James Aubrey
Susan Boackle Childress
William R. Braden
Cynthia Braden
Carrie Bradshaw
Michael L. Bush
Mary Grassau Bush
Martha Carlson
Barbara Cavender
Patricia Coan
Elaine Covert
John Covert
Janet Daily
Jennifer Darrow
Renate Farmer
Joncee Feakes
Glen Feakes
Dorthy F. Flook
Judith E. Flook
Sonja Foss
Ronald Gotlin
Lisa Haddox
Kate Hakala
Kathryn Holm
Thomas Johnson
Candice Johnson
Lynn Kalinauskas
Kimberly Lucas
Susan Lussier
Marchiori Family
Beth McCann
Harriet E Mullaney
Jack Quandt
Karen Quandt
Helen Quinn
Patrick Quinn
Anthony Radich
Jeff Ryan
Viola Sirovatka
Beverly Sloan
Elvin Smith
Irmi Smith
Melinda Stewart
Scott Stewart
Frank Sullivan
Sylvia Sullivan
Jane M. Vanbuskirk
Gina B. Weitzenkorn
Kristen Whealon
Trevor Williams
Patricia Zavadil
Sustaining Members ($50)
Carol Jo Ahnen
Dennis J. Ahnen
Bill Ash
Verna Ash
Barbara Berryman
Dennis T. Boucher
Steve Ciancio
Diana Ciancio
Dolores Cuthbertson
Craig B. Daniels
Tina Daniels
Aron P. Dobos
Hillary M. Dobos
Beth Duncan
Robert Duncan
Pam Farrar
Jack Farrar
Denise C. Geiger
Gwenael S. Hagan
David Handley
Chris Kermeit
Sharon Kermiet
Sue T. Kilgore
Roger D.T. Kilgore
James A. L. King
Dolores Kopel
David Pettus
Dania S.D. Pettus
Michael Quigley
Margaret W. Roberts
John Shaw
Kay Shaw
Andrew Sweet
Sponsoring Memberships ($100)
Brenda Campbell
Virginia Conwick
G. Kevin Conwick
Bob Homiak
Marcia M. Johnson
William S. Johnson
Karen Johnston
Ed Kahn
Cynthia Kahn
Gary Martyn
Carolyn Martyn
Dan Recht
Susan Schneider
Elaine Selsberg
T. Shane Sutherland
Patron Memberships ($250)
Duke Hartman
Pam Hartman
Lawrence J. Ricketts