It’s Kuhl To Recycle: All That Plastic
The Global Problem Requires A Global Solution
By Mark Kuhl
For the GPHN
Can we cure the epidemic of plastics pollution?
This global problem requires a global solution and during last year’s UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi, UN member states made this a top priority.
Plastic production is in the hundreds of millions of tons annually and is expected to double by 2040. Pew estimates a tripling of plastics flowing into oceans by 2040. The good news is that estimates predict a circular economy can reduce the amount of plastics entering the oceans by 80 percent, reduce virgin plastic production by 55 percent, and cut greenhouse emissions by 25 percent.
Details on how to achieve these reductions are being negotiated by 150 nations with the goal of a final treaty by December, 2024 and plans for it to be ratified shortly afterwards.
Mark Kuhl is an environmental advocate who lives in Park Hill with his family. His handy tips and news about recycling household items appear every month in these pages. A directory of his past columns for recycling everything from paint to Styrofoam to shoes is at