Interstate 70 Widening Opposition Grows
Denver Auditor Contends Process is ‘Rigged’; 900 Comments Logged
By Cara DeGette
A groundswell of opposition has emerged against a plan to widen Interstate 70 northwest of Park Hill.
In October, the Greater Park Hill News presented opposing viewpoints to the $1.8 billion plan. The Colorado Department of Transportation and the City of County of Denver are advocating widening the interstate to 10 lanes, lowering the highway to below grade, and capping part of it with a landscaped cover.
Critics are decrying that recommendation, saying it would negatively impact vulnerable neighborhoods, including Elyria/ Swansea and Globeville, and wreak environmental havoc. Many would prefer I-70 be rerouted away from those neighborhoods, which were split when the highway was first built in the 1970s. Supporters of the widening plan contend the cost of rerouting would be prohibitive.
On Nov. 6, Denver Auditor Dennis Gallagher dispatched a letter to CDOT Executive Director Don Hunt. In the letter, Gallagher criticized the fact that CDOT has already held a meeting soliciting companies to submit their qualifications for the project – before it’s been approved and before the environmental impact statement has been completed for the project.
“This meeting sends the very clear message that the decision has indeed been made and the process is rigged,” Gallagher wrote. Gallagher reminded Hunt that the state had promised discussions would be “open, honest and transparent.”
“I hope the shadowy process is not like Ugo Betti’s ‘chaos stamped with a seal becomes rightful order,’” Gallagher wrote.
A CDOT spokeswoman has denied any impropriety, noting that hearings on proposed financing of the project must be conducted as the environmental impact study is being done.
Meanwhile, CDOT has received more than 900 comments about the plan over a 45-day period that ended on Oct. 31. They can be read at
On Sept. 30, more than a dozen Colorado faith leaders sent a strong letter of opposition to the widening plan, calling it “unjust and immoral.” That letter can be read in full on Page 5.
Also on topic in this issue on Page 5 is a letter from Park Hill resident Dennis Royer, former longtime Denver City Traffic Engineer.
The Point/Counterpoint that appeared on Page 1 of the October GPHN can be read online at
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