Greater Park Hill Community, Inc. board members

gathered at the GPHC, Inc. office at 2823 Fairfax St. in early February to discuss and brainstorm ideas and goals for the year ahead for the Registered Neighborhood Organization. At-Large Rep. Matt Bradford, Education Chair Lynn Kalinauskas, District 4 Rep. Kevin Wiegand, At-Large Rep. Justin Petaccio, District 5 Rep. Blair Taylor, District 8 Rep. Nam Henderson, Public Information Chair Melissa Davis, Blessed Sacrament Rep. James Groves. Front row, left to right: Treasurer and District 3 Rep. Heather Shockey, District 1 Rep. LaMone Noles, Board Chair Tracey MacDermott, Fundraising Chair Lana Cordes. Several other board members were unavailable that day, or had to leave the retreat before this photo was taken. See the list below left for a complete list of current board representatives. Photo by Cara DeGette