Don’t Forget To Vote!
A Few Handy Resources
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. Voter service and polling centers are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Denver voters should have received their mail ballots the week of Oct. 17. If you have not yet received your ballot, contact the Denver Elections Commission at DenverVotes2016. Drop your ballot off at one of many drop-off sites by 7 p.m. on Election Day. Go to My Colorado Vote at to check on status of your ballot, for instructions on how to complete the mail ballot, find out where to drop your mail ballot, and where voter service centers are if you want to vote in person.
Colorado Secretary of State’s Website
Register to vote online, check out important dates, campaign finances, including contributions and expenditures, for candidates and issues in Colorado.
Colorado Blue Book
The Blue Book provides information on the nine statewide measures and on the judges who are up for retention.
If you didn’t receive your Blue Book in the mail, here is a link:
Track Your Ballot
Sign up for Ballot Trace at DenverVotes2016. You can track your ballot like a package, from printing to acceptance for counting. Check to make sure your vote is counted.