Denver Parks and Recreation Adopts a New Fee Structure
As of January 1st, the Denver recreation centers have a new fee structure where the rate you pay corresponds to the amenities and activities offered by your preferred fitness center, while allowing you access to any rec center in the same or lesser pricing tier.
“What we were hearing a lot is that people were only going to their local rec center, but paying the flat rate for the 27 rec centers,” said Angela Casias, Community Relations and Marketing Specialist at Denver Parks and Recreation.
The new City Council approved pricing structure came from recommendations put forth by the 2008 Recreation Center Taskforce comprised of community members, stakeholders and staff.
Family memberships are still available, offering pro-rated memberships per each additional family member. Also, since some rec centers are closed on Sundays and holidays, your membership will be valid those days throughout the rec center network. And fitness classes are included at every price level.
In coming months, DPR will be promoting its financial assistance programs: My Place and PLAY. The My Place program, in partnership with Denver Public Schools, provides an annual regional membership for all students attending a school where 75% of the population receives free or reduced lunches. 50,000 kids across Denver qualify for free annual membership through My Place. Students should bring their IDs to the rec center nearest them to see if their school qualifies. The Parks and Recreation Looking to Assist You (PLAY) program offers membership discounts from 10-90% for low-income adults and families who meet Federal Median Income Guidelines. To qualify for this program, visit the nearest rec center and ask for the PLAY information sheet.
For more information, visit