Changes and Reflections During The Pandemic
A Lesson From 2020: How To Be Mentally Nimble
Each month we express our gratitude in these pages for our donors and volunteers for the previous month. Our organization is fortunate to be completely supported in both ways by our community. We average more than 100 donations a month, including in-kind food donations, monetary donations to programs, event transactions and memberships. This is great news considering donations make up 100 percent of our operational funding.
We also have really amazing volunteers. Sadly, we haven’t been able to see as many of our regular annual volunteers, since in-person events and programming have been happening at a minimum during the pandemic. But I would like to recognize the small and mighty crew who have been running our food programs week in and week out since March.
Claudia Fields is a one-woman show overseeing and fulfilling the entire Weekend Food Program all year long (with some help from her grandkids). Deb Rosenbaum is a machine (of the volunteer variety) as she sorts and shelves incredible amounts of food multiple times a week and keeps us stocked and running behind the scenes.
Despite an ever-changing schedule and a multitude of other weekly responsibilities, Debra Lovell has dedicated the time to serve our clients each week with kindness and grace. Heather Shulman goes above and beyond her time spent here as she drives out of date food to an animal rescue every week. Our newest team member, Nikki Wiederaenders jumped in with both feet this spring and has brought us a fresh perspective and renewed energy.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention two amazing young women who spent the summer with us. Maddie Carrier and Lola Hunter, both students at East High School, brought their bright smiles and youthful energy to the Emergency Food Pantry and Free Farm Stand.
If you would like to support our food programs, please visit to see a complete list of what we accept as well as drop off hours and locations.
GPHC is a volunteer and donor-based organization. A big thank you to our donors and volunteers this past month. We are so grateful!
AARP #995 Queen City
Bikes Together
Cure D’Ars Catholic Church
Messiah Community Church
Park Hill United Methodist Church
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
The Spicy Radish
WorkShop Realty, Brie Cosgriff
Rosemary Aitken
Christine Allen
Katharine and Daniel Ambruso
Alice Applebaum
Penny Ashley-Lawrence
Pat Austin
Mike and Susan Barden
Dee Dee Barry
Tim Bauer
Leslie Bene
Carolyn Benoit
Karen Bergman
Sarah Booth
William and Cynthia Braden
Melissa Bradford
Jeannene Bragg
John M. Brink
Angela Brohman
Alex Brown
Will, Lisa, Aldus & Calvin Brownlee
Barbara Brush
Sharon Ann Burke
John Burnt
Jennifer Calderone
Inga Calvin
Marty and Arna Caplan
Mark Carrado
Stephanie Ceccato and Michael Heringslack
Barbara and Alan Charnes
Peg Clover Stipek
Lana and James Cordes
Patty Cordova
Maury Cuje
Lisa and Dan Culhane
Charlie Curlee
Trevor and Lindsey Daly
Veronica D’Annibale
Christine Davidson
Nicole Delmoro
Amy DelPo
George Dennis
Mary DeSimone
Martha and Bruce Douglas
Nancy Downs
Karina Drake
Meghan Dukes
Liza Eaton
Jon Englman
Jeanette and Anthony Fedele
Nancy Feinberg
Michelle Ferguson
Claudia and Harold Fields
Duane and Jean Gall
Rachel Gille
Bobbi Gillis
Tom Goulet and Marcy Glenn
Erin Goff
Ronald and Janina Gotlin
Jeanne Granville
Peter Green
Erica Gutierrez
Charlie Hager
Laura Haile
Simon and Elizabeth Hambidge
Amy Harris
Rick Harris
Pamela Healy
Jake Heym
Jody Hodges
Todd & Renee Hopkins
Susan and Steve House
Denny Hovik
Jessica Howard
Veronica Hudson
Richard Hughes
Peter Hulac
Ryan and Christine Hunter
Steven Hutchins
Brianna Hutchinson
Julia Jackson
Paul Jasinowski
Bill Jenkins
Julie Ann Jensen
Tom Jensen
Julian Jenson
Brian Johnson
Karen Johnston and T. Shane Sutherland
Susan Jorgenson
Craig Joyce
Bill Juraschek
Bernadette Kelly
Kathleen Kelly
Tim and Sally Kennedy
Ryan and Blythe Kingsbury
Catherine Kleczek
Marnie Klein
Jane W Klever
Karen Kogel and Johnpaul Mofin
Michael Kosnett
John Krause
James Kroll
Christa Kuberry
Tracy and Jamie Kubo
Nina Kuhl
Toshiko Langford
Trish Leary
Armand Lebovits and Mona Estrada
Debra Lentz
Troy and Jessica Lerner
Erin Lichtenwalter
David Leonard Little
Roberta Locke
Ann K Long
Mary Jo Lorenz
Emily Magner
Catherine Maley
Philippa Marrack and John Kappler
Andrew Marsh
Alisa Martin
Gary and Carolyn Martyn
Christi Matens
Beth McBride
Patrica McConaghy-white
Matt McConville
Kelly McDonald
Caitlin McGavran
Ellen McGinnis
Ann McLaughlin
Montana McWilliams
Patricia Mead
Liza Meier
Paul and Barbara Moe
Harriet Mullaney
Gabrielle and Andrew Mykoniatis
Gayle Mylander
Buffy Naake
Vernon Naake
Susan Niermeyer and John A. Brett
Tom and Carol Odwyer
Cheryl Olson
Sara and Brent O’Neill
Sally Ortiz
Jessica and Jeff Pearson
Adrienne Pederson
Blake Pendergrast
Reola Phelps
Traci Pichette
Rose Potthoff
Laura Pritchard-Haile
Oliver Pshak
Anne Marie Quinn
Ellen Reath and Craig Maginness
Barbara Redmond and Mark Kochever
Samantha Lehni Reeves
Mackenzie Rice
Robin Ridley
Paige Romer
Denise Rossman
Peggy Rousseau
Mary Salsich
Sachielle Samedi
Bryan Saunders and Kate Swan
Leo and Kathleen Schettler
Nancy Schoyer
Karin Schumacher
Ellen and Andy Selig
Michelin Sharp
Jacqui Shumway and Joe Breely
Elizabeth Spohn
Elizabeth Spomer
Marin Stewart
Judy Swinnerton
Suzanne Tate
Jennifer and Sam Taylor, Jayna Langford, Zoriah Carter
Karen Thurlow
Maggie Tieslau
Jessica Toll
Douglas Tweed
Karen Urwin
Gloria Valdez
James and Anita Wagner
Pam Waidler
Jane Wainwright
Laura Wayne
Harold and Lois Weber
Nicole Wehner
Matthew White
Nicole Wiederaenders
Pam Willet
Cynthia A Williams
Sandra Wilson-Barnes
Stefanie L Winfield
Pamela Winsor
David Witek
Sue Wofford
Guy and Susan Wroble
Susan Yarbarough
Brian Kelly and Nanci Young
Debbie Zucker and Brian Field
Mike Bufton
Ashley Faller
Claudia Fields
Sasha Fields
Tas Frashure
Jessica Howard
Lola Hunter
Debra Lovell
Jen Mathes
Mia Peterson
Dezmarie Roberts
Deb Rosenbaum
Liz Rutledge
Mary Salsich
Heather Shulman