The 2023 Park Hill Garden Walk committee — the power group that made it all happen. Back row, left to right: Paula Marinelli, Kate Blanas, Carla Finch and Victoria Piscotti. Middle row: Megan McQuinn and Christine Davidson. Front row: Sarah Scott, Patty Mead, Micki Amick and Jean Ercolani. Photo courtesy of Sarah Scott
The 2023 Park Hill Garden Walk was a cool, refreshing affair. Temperatures stayed in the mid-60s for the June 11 event, with no rain. Upward of 700 people turned out to meander through seven featured gardens in Park Hill and Mayfair,. Nineteen artists displayed their work. The gardens were lush and green and in full bloom, thanks to the bounty of moisture Mother Nature has provided this year. Photos by Cara DeGette, except where indicated
Sculptor James Dixon, in the garden at 3000 Holly St.
Volunteers Marion Powers and Stephanie Ceccato.
A steady stream of looky-loos buzzed through the gardens.
From left, volunteers Nora Funk, Caren Hutchinson and Mary Salsich.
Gardener Kyle Kimmal, with Grace Young and Harper Wick.
Volunteer Susan Riederer.
Gardener Valissa Tsoucaris.
Volunteers Regina Friend and Judy Wolfe.
Gardener John Desmond.
Gardeners Ron Davis and Kyle Kimmal.
Garden aficionado Josh McClauss and Miles, 3, with volunteer Susan Riederer.
Grace Young and Harper Wick, both 11, set up a lemonade stand with homemade goodies on the sidewalk outside the house of featured gardeners Kyle Kimmal and Ron Davis. Kimmal also happens to be the girls’ English teacher — advertised as their “faaaaverite teacher.” Young and Wick sold out early, and donated one-third of their profits to Mr. Kyle to buy books for his students next year (their hands down favorite is the fantasy series Keeper of the Lost Cities). The haul? $120 in donations. That is a lot of Mallowmelts.
Artist Vanessa Martin.
Artist Amy Martin, working en plain air.